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  "Bye bye baby blue, I wish you could see the wicked truth..."

"You what?" Keigo said, gaping at me as I stood at my front door, holding out a foil-wrapped plate of food. My face was a soft pink, and I coughed slightly.

"I made you some homemade chicken tenders. In case you feel hungry. You can come in and eat them, if you want." I mumbled, looking down at the ground. Keigo stared at me, mouth ajar. He walked inside, grinning at me.

"I think you're my new favorite person in the world."

My blush darkened as Keigo took the plate from me, eagerly unwrapping it. He inhaled, taking in the scent of the chicken, then took one off the plate and started to eat it. His eyes widened, sparkling, and he hummed, chewing slowly.

"These are really good. You'd make a good wife, Y/N." Keigo said, speech muffled by the food in his mouth. I looked up at him, startled, but also strangely happy.

  "Y-you think so? I'm not very eye catching, so no one would marry me..."

  "I'd marry you." Keigo said bluntly, eating another chicken tender. My eyes widened and I felt my face flare up in a burst of heat.

  "W-what?" I squeaked, resisting the urge to pull my hood over my head and tie it shut.

  "I'm serious!" Keigo laughed, his eyes twinkling. "You're cute, kind, and good at cooking. That's a good wife if I ever saw one!"

  "T-Thank you." I murmured, fidgeting. I never thought of being more than a friend to him. I hadn't even dreamed of being his girlfriend, let alone his wife, although that would be a dream come true.

'He's probably only saying that because we're friends.'

My heart cringed at that thought, and I stared at the ground with a pained expression on my face. Keigo blinked, looking at me with concern.

"You good, Y/N?"

I quickly looked up at him, nodding vigorously. "I-I just had a sudden pain, that's all."

Keigo nodded slowly, still keeping his gaze on me. There was a moment of silence, before he spoke, the air lightening.

"Why did you become my fan, by the way? My devilish good looks? My sexy ass wings?" Keigo said, flexing and grinning. I couldn't help but laugh, my heart fluttering. Even when he was being silly, he was attractive.

"No, more than that. Your personality and ideals drew me to become your fan. You were the polar opposite of me; laid-back and enthusiastic, while I was always anxious and timid. I saw you debut, and before I knew it I had already bought your first poster."

Keigo smiled, leaning forward and looking at me. "Well, y'know what they say, opposites attract. Maybe that's why we met each other at the merch shop. We were so close to each other that we couldn't stay away."

I blushed, smiling brightly.

"Y-yeah, and now we're good friends!"

Keigo's smile faltered, and I saw a tiny flash of pain in his eyes. Then in the blink of an eye, his smile widened again. "You know it. Hey listen, I've gotta go now, I just dropped by to say a quick hello before going to meet someone for something. Thanks for the food!"

I blinked, slightly surprised. He never had to leave early before. Did I do something wrong? Was it something I said? My mind raced as I smiled distantly at him, waving as he left my house.

I was left with my heart feeling heavy, wondering what I had done.

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