Chapter 2

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As I scanned over the letter my grin faded and I could feel the tears threatening to fall out. "Harry," I said quietly with tears in my eyes. "I don't think it's real, I mean it talks about magic, and I know that I tell both you and myself to believe that something, some miracle will happen and we will have a good life but I don't think this is it. It sounds like some kid from school is trying to make us feel special so that they can tease us." And with that the tears just came running out and I could feel Harrys warm embrace and I just let it all out all of my worries, my fears, everything. Later that day we burned the letter but they came every day for weeks the number of letters increasing every time until uncle Vernon boarded up the post slot in the door. When he did this the letters started to come in through the fireplace and the windows. This continued until Uncl Vernon told us all to get into the car and he drove us to this old lighthouse and told s we were all going to live there. What is wrong with this man there is only one bedroom  and a sofa in here not even a kitchen! I thought as we went in. "Now, Dudders you sleep on the sofa, me and daddy will sleep in the bedroom, and you two will sleep on the floor." Petunia said as she stalked up the stairs. 

I took the hair brush out of my small bag of clothes and started to brush my hair and me and while Harry were talking Dudley sat on the sofa and glared at us as if we were some awful rodent or something. I looked through the bag of clothes and lay out some old clothes on the floor so we wouldn't be laying on the cold floor.

That night nither of us could sleep and so we stayed up and drew stuff in the thick layer of grime on the floor. When it was midnight we wished each other a happy birth day, and then we heard knocking at the door and we stopped frozen. When our aunt and uncle heard the noise they came rushing down the stairs, Vernon gun in hand. "Knock once more and I'll shoot" Vernon warned and as if on que the door burst of its hinges flying through the air. "Oh. My. God. What the hell is happening?" I said confused and completely freaked out. As I said this a big man came walking through and walked up to Vernon and bent his gun in half I just stared in awe at how strong this dude was. He walked over to Dudley, "'Arry you've 'otten bigger than I remember." He said. Dudley looked completely astonished and I had to cover my mouth to stop myself from laughing, "I-I'm n-not H-Harry h-he I-is"Dudley stuttered as he pointed at Harry. "Ah 'Arry you look like your father, with your mothers eyes though," the man said,"Oh and Evalyn your just a' pretty a' your mum." "I'm sorry but who are you?" I asked because I had no idea who this dude was I mean he walked in and he knows us but do we know him? No. "I'm Hagrid, I remember you 'en you 'ere 'ust a wee tote. I knew your parents." He told us as he gave us the letter that we read the other day. "I didn't think it was real, I thought it was just a joke!" I said as I read the letter, "Oh no its all real your a wizard Harry and Evalyn your a witch." Hagrid said. I just stared at him with my mouth open 'what I'm a witch!' I thought as I stared at him.  


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Be kind to others but be true to yourself,

                                  Galaxy xoxoxo

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