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Neither of the boys heard or understood Lucy. They continued to fight as we were getting smacked with water. I gasped causing some of the water to get in my mouth; I stumbled back from the painting and ran into Edmund.

Eustace must have been hit as I heard his obnoxious voice saying "What's going on here? Stop it or i'll tell mother, Mother, Mother!!" As if Auntie or us could do anything about it.

"I'll just smash the old thing." Eustace yelled as he ran forward. Edmund and I reached for the painting to stop Eustace and it ended up on the floor. The water was pouring out of the frame at this point and nearly the entire room was flooded. I took a deep breath, closed my eyes and curled up underneath the water.

The water was beating against my eardrums and my eyes were screaming to open them. All of a sudden, I felt an arm pull me to the surface. I looked around confused as we were in the middle of a vast ocean. No matter what angle you turned all you could see was sparkling blue.

"Sophie! Edmund!" I hear Lucy shout.

"We're right here!" we reply.

I swim away from Edmund to see Eustace struggling so I begin wading towards him in an attempt to save him but give him a fright at the same time.

"Sophie! Lucy!" I hear a panicked shout from my brother. Looking up I see the narnian ship from the painting charging towards us.

"Swim!" Lucy screamed as I picked up the pace towards Eustace. Before I could reach him I felt someone from behind lift me up onto their shoulders. I started scratching and kicking until I look down and see Caspian glaring back at me. I shout his name causing the others to stop swimming and turn back.

We all got lifted up onto the beautifully carved ship. Someone wrapped a towel around me as I darted my eyes around at the many different creatures staring back at me. Glancing back, I saw Eustace cowering by the side of the ship, looking the most frightened i've ever seen him. Bless his little cotton socks.

"Did you call us?" Lucy asked Caspian.

"No.." Caspian replied confused.

Out of nowhere we heard a shriek. Looking behind me I saw Eustace throwing himself around and shrieking "AGHHH! Get this thing off me!! Get it off me!"

I giggled as the 'thing' flew from Eustace to Lucy's feet. She announced it was "Reepicheep"

I ran over and let our mousey friend climb onto my shoulder. My frightened cousin pointed to my shoulder and yelled "That rat tried to claw my face off!"

"I was just trying to expel the water from your lungs sire!" Reepicheep replied.

Eustace stumbled back again as I realised it was going to take him a while to get his head round narnia. "Did you hear that? It just talked!" My frightened cousin shrieked.

"He always talks." One of the crew members replied with a smug look on his face.

"It's getting him to shut up that's the problem." Caspian said whilst looking as if he was about to burst into a fit of laughter.

The my siblings and the crew giggled as Reepicheep tried to explain himself "The moment there is nothing to be said, your highness, I promise I will not say it."

"I don't know what kind of trap this is but i want to go home right now!" Eustace yelled. I almost felt bad for the boy. I might have reacted in a similar way if I hadn't heard stories from my older siblings. Bear in mind he did just fall through a painting in the spare room.

As the boy continued on his temper tantrum, Reep nudged me and said with a smirk "I wonder if we can throw him back?"

This caused Edmund and I to giggle, only to get scolded by Lucy who was holding back a smile.

"I want to know where the blazers I am!" Eustace demanded. In response, a towering minotaur stepped towards him and answered "Your on the dawn treader, finest ship in the navy."

The look of horror on Eustaces face was probably the funniest thing I have ever seen until he fainted. He then got carried down below deck as the laughing died down and some of the crew got back to work.

"Men behold our castaways, King Edmund The Just,Queen Lucy The Valiant and Queen Sophie The Young, High King and Queens of Narnia." Caspian announced to the boat. I was a bit annoyed at the name he'd given me.For all of my life I would always be the young one. I mean I love my siblings and all but mum couldn't have popped one more out to make me second youngest.

I came out of my thoughts to see the crew bowing to us before hastily getting back to work. I glanced around at the perfectly sapphire sky. We were back. Back in Narnia.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 29, 2020 ⏰

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