The Scar..

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This story has:
•Abusive parents
(If you guys don't like that kind of stuff then feel free to leave ówò)

Allen woke up and rubbed his eyes and stretched as he sat up, he was ready for another day of pain and sadness. But what he didn't know was that today something bad would happen..

Zagan was already awoken because he didn't really need sleep and was watching over Allen.

Allen got out of bed and got ready for school, when he was done he went into the kitchen and got something to eat, there wasn't much so he just grabbed as apple and crackers. He got his stuff and quickly left before his parents woke up because he didn't want to get beaten up. He just waited outside in the cold for the bus talking to Zagan as always.

After a but the bus arrived and he got in, of course no one wanted to sit with the "Split Personality freak"  but he had found a spot alone. Through the whole ride Allen sat there quietly while everyone around him talked to their friends, but of course he wasn't completely alone he had Zagan, they would talk to each other through out the ride to keep each other company.

When they go to school Allen got off the bus and sat at a bench on the school grounds until his classes started. While waiting some kids had gone up to Allen and started making fun of him, saying mean things to him and sometimes when a teacher wasn't looking hitting him. Allen just sat there quietly as it happened but Zagan was mad at them for bullying Allen who had done nothing to them.

"Why you so quiet?! Say something you freak" one of the bullies said.
Thats when Zagan decides to take control for a bit, Zagan, who was using Allen's body looked up at the bullies, The bullies knew it was Zagan because when Zagan took control Allen's right eye would have an X pupil instead of his star like pupil.
"Well look, looks like the freak's personality decided to come out!" Another bully said.
"How 'bout we give him a gift!" The first bully said smiling.
That's when one of the bullies threw a punch at Allen's face but Zagan caught his fist and twisted his arm.
"OWW!! MY ARM!!!!!" The bully yelled out in pain.
Thats when teachers ran over to them and took the bully to the nurse's office and Zagan/Allen to the principals office.

In The Principal's Office

"Why did you hurt that student?" The principal asked Zagan who was still in control.
"Because they tried to punch Al—Me" Zagan responded, he had almost said Allen, but he was able to catch himself.
The principal heard he was about to say something or someone else so that made him not believe Zagan,
"You're suspended for a week i will be calling your parents to pick you up." The principal said with a serious tone in his voice.
"B-But he was about to punch me..!" Zagan said worried that he might get Allen in more trouble.
"That doesn't give you the right to twist someone's arm, now wait outside i'll call your parents to pick you up right now." The principal said as he got up and went over to the phone.
Zagan walks out of the principal's office and sat on a chair outside his office.

In Allen's mind

"Im so so sorry.. I didn't mean to get us in trouble i was just trying to protect you..!" Zagan said worried that Allen would be upset, or that he really got Allen in trouble.
"Its alright.. you didn't mean to.. I forgive you..!" Allen said with a worried tone in his voice.
"Thanks.. even tho I can hear you're worried.. I guess we'll just have to wait till our.. "Parents" to come" Zagan
said he kind of hesitated when saying "Parents"

A bit later

Allen and Zagan's mom had came and talked to the principal, when they were done talking she drives Allen home. The car drive was silent as expected.

When they get home and they enter the first thing they can hear is a bottle smash the ground. Allen was scared to continue walking but his mom made him keep walking. When Allen got to the living room a bottle got thrown at the wall next to Allen barely missing him

"YOu brAt" Allen hears his father say.
"B-But—" Allen says before he got interrupted by his father,
"Sh—ShUt uP! I dOnt wANt tO heAr iT!"
Allen then freezes while his father goes up to him, his father was smiling.. that smiles was worrying him.
"eMmMmA l—lEaVe!" Allen's father says,
thats when Allen's mother left, that worried allen.. then Allen's father got out a knife.
"Y—YoU neEed a pUnIShmEnt!" Allen's father says laughing
Allen walks back but then he bumps into a wall
"N—No! P-Please don't..!" Allen says worried
Then Zagan gets in control and yells out,
"A—Are yOu tALkinG bAcKk tO me..?!" Allen's father says with and angry tone in his voice

Suddenly all Allen and Zagan could see was black in their right eye, they fall onto the ground hitting their head on a table and passing out the last they heard was "EmMMmmA!! ThE bRaT pASsEd OuT!"  From their father.. suddenly everything went black and they couldn't hear anything..

Later that day

Allen wakes up with a headache, he looks out the window to see it was night.. he then realizes he can only see from one eye Allen gets up and goes over to his mirror to see that his right eye was all bandaged up.
"<W-What happened?!?>" he thought to himself..
He slowly took off the bandages to see he had a slash mark that belonged from a knife.. went through his right eye and that his right eye was white and he couldn't see from it..
"<I-I cant see from my right eye..>"
"<Oh my god.. im so so sorry!! I got you in trouble!!>"  Zagan says in Allen's mind
"<It's alright.. it was father's doing anyways..>"
"<I swear to god i'll kill that man..!>" Zagan says with and angry tone in his voice
"<calm down.. i'll just get some rest..>"
Allen says as puts the bandages back on
"<o-ok,  you go to sleep i'll protect you!>"
Allen smiles then goes over to his bed and lays down, after a minute he fell asleep.. Then Zagan was just there watching over Allen thinking.. "<he's to young to be going through these things.. but I have to protect him! I will protect him!>"


I hope you guys enjoyed! I had fun writing this and I can't wait to write more! ^W^

I'll Protect YouOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora