YOUR date

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His eyes shimmered, as the rays of the sun creeped in through the blinds. "Before you say anything, I want to apologize for my behavior at the shop. I didn't mean to scare you off" he says smiling, cheek to cheek.
And, before you said anything... "Alright! I said greet your partners not tell them your whole life story. Back to your seats" says the professor, hurrying the students to their seats.
You take a few steps back, smiling at each other; then head back to your seat. Ten minutes pass, and you can feel his heavy stare over your shoulder. You glance behind your side, and catch him biting his lip, staring at you. He embarrassingly looks down for having caught him in the act again, when ... "Ummm. Young lady! Is the back of the class more interesting than my lecture, because if it is, we can all turn to it" says your professor.
Indeed it was. Not only was it interesting, better yet, it was charming, mesmerizing, sexy...
"No, sir. I was just practicing my multitasking skills. I find your lecture rather interesting. I just wanted to see if it would give the same effect if I turned my head. But, you now have my undivided attention sir. Continue" you say.
Class ends, as Tom evades any conversations directed to him. He approaches you and says,
"I owe you. Nice save though. You really have a way with words." "Thanks" you say slipping your hair behind your ear.
"How about if I take you out to dinner. I noticed that I made your meal uncomfortable back at the shop,the least I can do is make it up with a nice dinner"
"Alright. Sure! Here's my number" --- "Oh how sweet. When's the wedding?" says your professor from his desk.
At this point, you want to slap the annoying off of your professor, but Tom nicely disregards his comment by saying,
"Have a nice day, sir."
You are now back at your apartment, and you are anxious to see Tom again, only this time in an intimate setting. It's a rather chilly night so you wear a sweater over a black dress. Tom had mentioned earlier that your dinner would take place at "The Landmark London". A quite elegant restaurant for a first date; he said he knew the owner's son and wanted to make a great first impression. You clip in your last earring in and retouch your lipstick. You spray a thin layer of perfume and waltz out of your apartment with glee. Luckily for you the restaurant was a block away from your apartment and insisted on meeting him there. But, you had a plan! Now, Tom is quite the charmer in university, but you wanted to make sure he wasn't charming other girls. You arrive at "The Landmark" and ask the receptionist for a small moment before being seated. You quickly spot Tom, casually dressed for a fancy restaurant. You call the restaurant, asking for him, that it was urgent. A waiter then appears with a phone, taken to Tom's table. He tells Tom it's for him.---
"Tom! It's me. I'm so sorry. I think I might have to cancel the date. I'm not feeling too well and I hate to cancel last minute, but I'm sorry."
You paid close attention to his emotions and face gestures. He seemed sadden, his eyes looked hazy. You were waiting for his response; whether he would pardon your excuse and call up another girl or decide to do otherwise. "I hope its nothing serious. Do you want me to stop by. I can bring you soup or..."
"No! That's fine. I'll be fine"
"What a shame. I really wanted to see you. I even cut practice short just to make it. You should see what I have on." say Tom, looking down at his sweater.
"That sweater fits you very well" you say.
You decide that Tom had past your little test, but you wouldn't tell him that. He looks confused around the room and looks back to spot you. He laughs with joy from seeing you and gets up.
"You really got me there." he says.
He gives you a tight hug and guides you to the table with his hand on your back. The early night turns into hours of endless conversation and the occasional compliment every now and then. It is now close to midnight as your date nears to its end. Tom advises a short walk around the park, but the night had turned from a slightly chilling one to freezing. So, he walks you to your apartment, holding your hand. You stop at your doorstep and hug him goodbye. But, his goodbye wasn't over. He takes both of your hands and lays them against his chest. Then, gently caress your face and places his fingers under your chin. He guides your chin gently towards his lips. You let him guide you and you close your eyes, for the night would now become an endless memory to an exciting future. He kisses you. --- "Goodnight, darling"

dear YOU by G. ValWhere stories live. Discover now