Our creator

38 4 4

Sos for not updating in like forever

*****Graces Pov*****

 As we are being lifted up above the floor a man appears out of nowhere, he is wairing a long brown coat and he has aubun hair.

"Hey let us out of here" Maddie shouts at the strange flying man.

"Who are you?" i ask, he must be powerful as not anyone can fly with out a jetpack.

"Oh dont worry you will find out soon anough." i dont now what he means about that.The bubble we are in is being filled with greenish short of gas, my eye lids fll heavy and i drift into a deep sleep.

***** ? mins later*****

I dont now how long we have been asleep, but we have all finally awoken. looking around i see we are in a dimly light room with three metal tables to one side of the room, with wrist and ankle straps on them, well this must be a tourture room. But why are we here.

Suddenly the floaty man walks into the room.

"Hello again, oh i see that you are all awake, brilliant now i can tell you why you are hear."

"Let us out of here you floating deamon, or i will get us out." Maddie shouted, again, at the man.

"Go on then, show me what you got" well this isnt going to end well.Maddie stood up and her arms lit on fire, but not normal fire a sort of greeny yellow fire.She wacked her fists, whilst on fire against the side of the container we ae being held in.

"Wow you did well at that didnt you, now let me tell you why you are here. Well i am the most powerful person around here being a demi-god and all, but people still think i am weak and that they can over power me, as i am not a full god, So i snuck into yoglabs when i knew that Duncan and Lewis would be conducting the cloning experiment, i then switched the test subject for myself hoping to get anouther copy of myself, but the machine went wrong and you three stepped out so i guess i will have to use you instead."

"use us for what?" i asked doubting i would get an answer.

"Well i was hoping to, withn the clone of myself, extract all of his power and give it to myself, and as you three all have differnt traits of mine i will have to take your power instead." wow he is just getting creepier and creepier .

"Well are you going to tell us what traits we have?" Summur says, speacking up a bit.

"Awww look who finally decided to speak. Well if you must know, i have been following you all to see what one of you will be extracted first so your traits are, Summur yours is my vast knowledge of nearly everything. Maddie it seems yours is my violence and magis, that could be interesting, and Grace yours is my science.And on that note i have decided that i will be extracting my magic first so you to will have to wait here whill i take this one of to sertan doom, toodles."

He some how takes maddie from the bubbe and walks of down the corridor with her, so now it is time to get us out of here.looking around i can see that there is a sort of electricity ball on a plinth in the corner of the room, i wonder if that is the thing that powers the bubble.

"Hey Summur we need to get over to that ball of energy over there can you help me push the bubble?" 

"yeah sure" relitively speaking if she had said no we would have been screwed.

"Ok so 3 2 1 GO" me and Summur started to push the Bubble ever so slowly towards the energy ball, but when we finnaly got there, we knocked the ball of the plinth and watched it shatter all over the floor, releasing us from our trap.

"Come on now we need to get help, lets go, quick."

*****Maddies Pov*****

I dont know where he was taking me but i knew it was no where good so i was kicking and squirming trying to get out of his grip.

"Stop wiggiling or i will just make this more painfull for you" as he said this he brought out a knife from his pocket and sliced up my arm causing me to stop moving and just let him take me where ever he wanted.

after he had chained me up to a metal table he whispered into my ear. 

"What you dont know is that, my plan is working perfectly because i have just got allerted that your freinds have escaped and they will tell everyone that you are with me, then i will only give you back to them for a price, but what they dont know is the price will be there lives, and i will never let you go.

So enjoy your stay, i will try and make it as painfull as possible!"


Clone Catastrophe (YOGSCAST)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ