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Whoo chapter number somthing or other :)

*****Graces Pov*****

Flying back to our castle as fast as my jetpack could take me.

When i got to the huge door, i flew over that as landed in the small garden in the middle of the castle grounds.

I ran in to find dad and mum to tell them what i had seen, i looked everywhere untill i found them in the sorting room just stood there watching all of our stuff going through pipes.

"Dad" i said and he turned around running up to me.

"Dont you dare run away like that again young lady. Do you hear me!?" Dad said griping my shoulders.

"Yeah yeah im sorry and all that. But listen i went to Ridges to see Maddie and she is his 'Apprentice' or somthing. She told me it was the only way to save the ones she loved from being hurt or worse."

*****One week later*****
*****Maddies Pov*****

I had been here. With Ridge for about a week and it has been getting better, even though i have this horrible metal choker around my neck and the training he ha  me doing has got harder, Ridge has been quite nice to me, he has stopped shocking me so much and i now sleep in a room with windows and a bed.

"Come on Madz after lunch we've got agility training. How does parkour sound" Ridge said stepping into my room.

"Cool i love parkour. Ummm whats for lunch?" I ask as i am starving after speed training.

"I have made bacon" He says smiling as he knows i love bacon. I jump up at the name of one of my favorite foods, following Ridge into the kitchen, i pull up a chair as he sets a plate of sizzeling bacon in front of me.

"Eat up you need a lot of energy if youare going to do your best in Parkour."

"Mmm happily" i say stuffing my mouth with the delicious food.

*****Three hours later*****

"Ok Madz i think you deserve a rest now" Ridge said flying up to where i stood high on a pole as i had been doing high up parkour. He lifted my aking body and flew me back into the house.

"You tired?" He asked with me still in his arms. I nodded and he carried me to my room and layed me down on my bed.



"Would i be able to see Trott tommorow please?" I say looking up at him from where i lay.

"What. After everything ive done for you and you still want to see them?" He said but i didnt have time to answer as he had stormed out.

"Ridge wait" i shout just as i hear a lock turn. Making me realise that i was now locked in.

I decided that i should let him sleep it off and maybe he would forget all about it in the morning. Hopefully. I lay my head down on the pillow and let sleep take over.

I wake up and walk over to the door trying to open it i remember that i had been locked in. Looking around the room to find a way out i see that the window is open and i get an idea. I walk over to the window and step out onto the window cill and made my way along and them jumped down onto the window cill bellow me (thank you parkour training) and crawled in.

"Ridge.....Ridge i got ouuuuuuuuuuut did you really think that you could keep me in that room?" I shouted and i looked around the room i had crawled into. It was small and had chests lining the walls with only a door to change the senery.

"What where are you?" I heard him shout from just outside the door, that was convenient.

"In here" i said stepping out of the door with a smug grin on my face.

"Well valiant effort young student but you have a long while before you will become the master. And yess you will be able to go sse Trott soon i promise."

Sos for the length (:3= i was going to write more but i figured that you would rather have two short chapters that are quicker to update than one that takes ages

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