Big Brother The Hero

Start from the beginning

Now Crutchie watched them. That day was bringing a seamless partnership to a screeching halt and leaving the weight of the world on the shoulders of a single seventeen-year-old. Not to mention, Crutchie knew Race would miss Jack like hell.

"Don't leave, Jack." It was his last, pointless plea. Race's face was red from trying to hold back his tears and his cries. And all Jack could do was pull the boy into a tight embrace. They held onto each other like their lives depended on it.

"Shshshshsh Racer..." Crutchie watched Race bury his head in the crook of Jack's neck, desperate for him to stay. But he couldn't. They all knew he couldn't.

The rest of the conversation would remain somewhat of a mystery to the crippled boy. He could hear soft murmurs and desperate pleas, but what broke his heart the most was Race's cry when Jack pulled away. "I love you, Racetrack." And with one last kiss to the forehead, Jack glanced at them all with tears shining in his eyes.

"I'll be back before you know it."

Then he was walking away. Spot had to grab Race and hold him back when the blue eyed boy tried to run after him. And, after Jack turned back to them and gave them one last wave goodbye before he was out of sight, Spot did the unexpected. He pulled both boys in and held them tight. They didn't fight against him. They needed it.

"Cmon boys, I's told Kloppman I'd have ya home soon."

For once in his life, Crutchie wished the car ride back had been silent. He didn't think he could handle the sound of Race's gasps of air as he tried to breathe normally. He couldn't handle the way his arms were wrapped around himself in an attempt to calm down. Crutchie couldn't handle his own quiet sobs. He couldn't handle the way Spot would open his mouth to speak, and then opt against it.

Race was sitting in the passenger seat, his knees pulled up to his chest and his forehead resting against the cool window. He hugged himself tight. Crutchie watched while his choked, broken sobs turned into quiet sniffles. He watched Spot clear his throat and wipe away the unshed tears in his eyes. It was a long ride.

Eventually, Spot's car pulled up to a familiar house. Nobody moved for a while. Spot sighed and glanced into the mirror, locking eyes with Crutchie who wiped at his eyes and then looked up to the house that didn't look the same anymore. The house that may never look the same again.

"If ya need anythin'... call me, yeah?"

Crutchie glanced at Race. He clearly did not want to get out of the car. He was staring blankly out the window and they weren't even sure he heard Spot's small request. So Spot turned around a little and nodded to Crutchie, letting the boy know it was okay to go.

Reluctantly, the gimp boy stumbled out of the car. He didn't go inside. He stood, at the door, watching the other two boys who sat in the car.

He couldn't see Spot. But Race was as clear as day to him. His older brother was taking a strong interest in his hands as Spot was, no doubt, talking to him. Race didn't speak. His lips were sealed together and only his head would give any indication that he was listening. A short nod or a shake of the head was every response. It made Crutchie worried. Race had never been so quiet in his life.

A few moments later, the older boy was slowly forcing himself out of the car and he was walking to Crutchie as Spot reluctantly pulled away.

"Race..." Crutchie didn't know what he could say. They'd both just watched their role model, their hero walk away not knowing if or when he would ever be back.

Race didn't say anything. Just put an arm around Crutchie's shoulders and lead them both to the door.

Inside was sickeningly quiet. There were a few murmurs coming from the main room, but never had that house been so swallowed up into sadness and anxiousness.

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