Big Brother The Hero

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Crutchie gripped onto his crutch as tightly as he could, trying, in vain, to stop the tears he knew were streaming down his cheeks. He held his breath, trying to quiet his sobs only causing them to come out forced and louder. His whole body shook as he tried to reign back his emotions. He tried to get ahold of himself in the middle of the large crowd of people. But he couldn't.

Strong arms encircled him. He'd known they were coming. They'd been trying to push off this moment till the very last second. And Crutchie wished beyond everything that that second could last forever.

"Don't cry, kid..." Jack's voice was not convincing. It was clear he didn't want to leave either. Crutchie held onto him, letting his metal crutch fall to the floor as he let both of his arms encircle his big brother. "I'll be back before ya know it." It was a lie. A big lie that Jack had been telling all the littles when he'd said goodbye to them. But Crutchie didn't speak. He just held on tighter.

When Jack decided he had to pull away, Crutchie found himself having trouble letting go. He was grasping onto the back of his brother's shirt like nothing he'd ever gripped before. But Jack grabbed both of his arms and gently pulled away from him, smiling as he looked at his baby brother. "It's all gonna be okay, Crutch."

"Come back ta us, Jack..." It was a simple request. Jack had been away before. He'd been away for months at a time for training and whatnot, but this was different. Back then, Crutchie had known exactly when Jack would be coming home. This time... this time they didn't know if that day would even come.

With one last kiss to the forehead, Jack picked up his crutch and said one last goodbye to him. "I love you, Crutchie. I'll see ya soon."

Crutchie watched as Jack walked to the person next to him. A shorter, yet buff boy. He was the same age as Jack. Nineteen. And he had to clear the emotion from his throat before he began to speak. "Do us proud, Jackie-boy," he said with a smile, extending out his hand, ready to give Jack the handshake they'd been using since they were little. But Jack shook his head.

The surprise on Spot's face was priceless as Jack threw his arms around the other boy. But Crutchie could see the tears building up in his eyes. He could see the way Spot hid his face in Jack's shoulder and how the Brooklyn boy was tightening his fists into Jack's shirt. "Don't do nothin' stupid, ya hear?"

Jack laughed as he pulled away. He wiped away his tears and nodded. "I'll do my best, Spottie..." Crutchie couldn't help but laugh as the king of Brooklyn wiped away his tears. "Look out fer my boys, will ya?" The Brooklyn boy nodded as Jack walked away.

Crutchie felt himself starting to shake even more. He shook as Jack walked up to meet the final person he could say goodbye to. The only other person who had rode with them to the airport.

Race was a wreck. Crutchie had never seen him cry so much. The gimp was sure the older boy was even worse than him. He knew why. Over the years, Race and Jack formed a bond that Crutchie never had with either of them. Sure, he'd known Jack since forever. Jack was his best friend and they did everything together, but that was different than being the two oldest boys in a house full of foster kids.

Race and Jack weren't only as close as brothers could be, they picked up each other's slack when the other couldn't. Crutchie would never forget the nights when Jack would pass out, either from a sickness or pure exhaustion, and Race would take care of him and put the littles to bed and pack their lunches for the next day and make sure they all ate dinner and even do Jack's chores for the day. They were partners, taking care of so many foster kids many people would wonder if their lives were even possible. Jack worked shifts at the diner before and after school and he would still find time for them and when he couldn't, Race was there. Jack made them breakfast and lunch and dinner and when he couldn't, Race was there.

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