part 2 were he stays

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(This story was inspired by MikePhonys story)
( I do not own origins of Olympus fairy tail origins or any of the characters in them)

Now the only problem was where would Xylo stay. Before anyone could say anything Bri came back and stated that xylo could stay with her for the night.

(Bri's pov)
I can't believe I just did that.i just told him he could stay with me without even thinking. I only have one bed. And I cant let him stay on the couch that would be rude. So I guess I will take the couch. As we reach my house I tell xylo he can use the shower well I get things ready for dinner.

(Xylos pov)
Bri was being very helpful. I think I will try to build a house into the side of the guild hall. If they let I finish my shower I relise I have nothing to were except some clean underwear. So I put it on and walk out. As I walk straight into Bri.she then sees what I'm wearing and we both heavily blush.

(Bri's pov)
As my face grew red my thoughts wondered. Why is he only wearing that. As I think that I notice I have just been staring at his abs the hole time. He coughs and I come back to my senses. I then tell him that he can take the bed and that I will sleep on the couch. He then insisted that I get the bed because it is my house. We then compromise with both of us staying in my bed. It is large enough for 2 people . We then lay down back to back and slowly fall asleep.

(Xylos pov)
I wake up with a weight on my chest. My eyes open quickly and adjust to the darkness. I notice its bri shes holding on to me for somereson and her head is snuggled into my chest. I assume it is quite late and just try to go back to sleep. But I can't stop staring at Bri and thinking how perfect she looks. I then kiss he forhead and fall back asleep.

(Bri's pov)
As snuggle up to Xylo I feel him slightly move. Then I fell his lips press against my forhead. I then blush and fall asleep peacefully.

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