Chapter 1

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Halleloo everyone! Guess who's back, back, back, back again? (I've clearly been watching too much RPDR in quarantine) Sorr for the long delay but it's been a while since I've finished anything or that anything was good enough to post. But I finally have something for you all!

This is a Harry Hook story and just a disclaimer: I do not own the characters, songs, etc I use. I only own my OC and the plot. All rights go to their respective owners. And with that, I hope you all enjoy!


"You got some sweet digs here, your highness." Uma smirked teasingly as she sipped on her drink.

Mal snorted a laugh. "It's going to be your majesty actually." Uma rolled her eyes and Evie couldn't help but giggle at the two. 

The VKs plus Audrey, and Ben sat in the lounge of Beast's castle for their monthly movie night. They were all spread across the couches with snacks, blankets, and pillows, waiting on Jane and Lonnie.

Soon enough the two came in with smiles on. "Hey guys," Lonnie greeted. She leaned over to peck Jay on the cheek. "I brought that mango ice cream you guys like." Multiple cheers were heard at the mention of the dessert. "You guys are lucky my mom can ship it in."

Jane kissed Carlos quickly before turning to Ben. "Ben, is Aza around? I have that book she let me borrow."

"Who's Aza?" Harry asked.

"My sister." Ben said simply. He chuckled when many of the new VKs turned to him in shock. "Right. I forget you guys haven't met her yet. She kinda keeps to herself, out of the spotlight and all that so I'm not surprised you forgot I even had one."

"Why don't you invite her to movie night, Ben?" Evie asked. "I haven't seen her in forever."

"I can try." Ben sighed. "If nothing else, I'll bring her in to introduce her." They all nodded and he went up the stairs to find her. A few minutes later he came back down by himself. "And once again, she's in the garden."

Mal shook her head with a laugh. A few moments later Ben comes back with a girl who seemed only a year or two younger than him and Harry's eyes widened. She had fair skin, matching Ben's, with chocolate brunette curls pulled up into a high ponytail. She had brilliant blue eyes that obviously came from her father. In a sense, she was gorgeous.

But the thing that stood out most was the mask covering the lower half of her face. It was black with vines and red roses embroidered around the edges.

Evie clapped lightly. "I'm so glad you're wearing the mask I made you!" From the movement of the mask, Harry could tell she cracked a small smile.

"To those who don't know, this is my sister Azalea. You can call her Aza or Lea." Ben introduced. She waved lightly, blushing as she made eye contact with Harry.

"I'm not trying to be offensive but what's with the mask?" Uma asked.

Azalea twisted her fingers anxiously and Ben answered, "Lea is mute. She speaks through sign language and texts and the mask helps people realize that before they talk to her."

Jane pulled a book from her bag and handed it to Azalea. "Thanks for letting me borrow it. You were right. It was so good!" Azalea started gesturing with her hands. "I know, I know."

She started signing again but Lonnie stopped her. "Hey! No spoiling! I'm only halfway through it!" Azalea rolled her eyes. "For someone who doesn't talk you have the biggest mouth."

Lonnie and Jane laughed a bit while Azalea flipped her off. Ben chuckled under his breath. "As you can see, a good chunk of the group know sign language. Uma, Harry, Gil, you can learn if you want but she can communicate either way."

The three nodded. "You wanna join us?" Carlos asked. "Evie said it herself, it seems like years since we hung out with you."

Azalea's face immediately fell and she started to shake her head. "Come on, little rose." Harry smirked. She looked at him in slight shock. "Yer a princess. Ya don't want to disappoint yer public, now would ya?" He gestured to the group.

Azalea blushed lightly. Harry's smirk grew and he patted the empty seat next to him. She held up the one-minute signal and rushed up the stairs. She came back down a few moments later wearing a loose white t-shirt and royal blue pajama shorts with an oversized yellow and black flannel open over it. The mask still remained on her face.

Almost all of the girls smirked when Azalea tentatively sat down next to Harry who smiled at her. Ben smiled, rubbing his sister's shoulder supportively before sitting with Mal as Jay started the first movie.

Throughout the movie night, Harry snuck glances at Azalea. She was fully engrossed in the movies but what threw him off was that unlike everyone else, she wasn't eating or drinking anything. He assumed it was because of the mask but something about it felt off.

One by one, everyone fell asleep as the night went on. Harry was one of the last but was woken up by the feeling of a blanket being put over him. He cracked open an eye to see Azalea putting blankets over the rest of the sleeping group.

She tiptoed around them and started up the stairs. Against his better judgment, Harry followed.

"Azalea," He called quietly as she went down a hallway. 

She turned to look at him in shock. She pulled out her phone and quickly typed a message, showing it to him. Harry, what are you doing here? I thought you were asleep.

"I was but I woke up when you put blankets on everyone." She silently sent thanks for the dark lighting so he couldn't see her blush. "Why don't you just stay downstairs with your friends?"

She shrugged, typing another message. I don't like sleeping with my mask so I'm just gonna sleep in my room.

"Is the mask really that important?" He asked. "Ya could've just taken it off before the movies."

She shook her head. The mask doesn't come off. Please respect that. She typed.

He nodded and took a step back from her. "Alright, yer highness." She let out a small breath. 

Thank you for understanding. She typed out. I'll see you in the morning.

He smiled and before she could protest, he took her hand and placed a kiss on her knuckles. Her eyes widened and he smirked at the sight. "Until then, little rose."

She typed out one last message. Azaleas are flowers. You're calling me by the wrong flower, pirate. She giggled quietly at his expression and walked away without another word. Harry scoffed but smiled. For a girl who didn't talk, she sure caught his attention quickly.

Veiled Rose // Harry HookWhere stories live. Discover now