"The goblin told me who my parents were. I have an older brother. Two parents that are very much alive and a godfather. So I guess Vernon and Petunia were right, my parents didn't want me. There was a part of me that hoped they had died and that those two were just lying," I said

"Oh, baby." Mom said

She pulled me into a hug.

"Well, it was their loss, because you are an amazing daughter. You are smart and kind." Mom said

"You can almost outshoot me," Dad said

"You can be mean, cruel, and vindictive when you have to be," Jonathan said

We all kind of just looked at Jonathan.

"What it's the truth," Jonathan said

"You're the best big sister I could ever ask for. Always getting me out of trouble, or getting me in trouble. But you always protect me." Alex said

"Thanks, guys," I said

"No problem baby girl." Mom said

"I'm going to go up to bed," I said

"Okay. Sleep tight." Dad said

I gave mom a hug and kiss goodnight. I did the same to Dad. I rubbed Alex's head and hugged Jonathan. I headed upstairs and noticed that Imhotep followed. I walked into my room and noticed that Imhotep walked in behind me.

"Why are you following me around?" I asked

"You seem off that's why I'm following, I'll go to my room once I figure it out or you tell me," Imhotep said

"I might need you tomorrow," I said

"Okay. Goodnight Amara." Imhotep said

"Goodnight Imhotep," I said

He left my room. I moved and locked the door. I moved over and grabbed some nightclothes and went into the bathroom to take a shower and change. I threw my dirty clothes into the clothes basket and climbed into bed hoping that I wouldn't wake up to Imhotep in my bed again.

Next Morning...

I was woken up by someone knocking on my door. I got up and opened the door, to see dad.

"Why was your door locked?" Dad asked

"Um... I didn't want to be bothered last night and I wanted to sleep in." I said

I looked at me funny but believed me none the less.

"Breakfast is ready," Dad said

"Okay, I'll change and be right down," I said

"Just come down in your nightclothes," Dad said

"Okay," I said

I walked out of my room and followed dad downstairs. We both sat down at the table to see that everyone minus Imhotep was already there. We were halfway through breakfast before anyone talked.

"When does school start?" Mom asked

"September 1st. I have to be at King Cross station before 11 because that's when the train leaves." I said

"Okay. What are you doing today?" Mom asked

"I think I'm going to deal with some of the information I got from the goblins. So I might be gone most of the day." I said

"Are you fact-checking by yourself or..." Dad trailed off

"I planned to ask Imhotep to come with," I said

The MiscalculationTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon