Chapter 6

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 The next five months passed in a flurry of activity. The 38th Expedition was approaching quickly and Erwin was intent on improving the formations to lessen casualties. (Y/N) had insisted on helping.

After their return from the previous expedition, (Y/N) had quickly returned to normal, never crying and never truly mourning. Erwin had encouraged her to take some time off, but (Y/N) had politely declined, saying that normality was the best thing for her.

The two had grown close over the past months, becoming good friends. (Y/N) used Erwin as a confidant and support mechanism, while he used her as good company. A mind as sharp as hers was rare.

It was six weeks before the launch of the 38th expedition beyond the walls and (Y/N) was on her way to Erwin's office for their nightly round of tea. She looked forward to this time; it was always nice to mock Flagon, especially to the Commander.

(Y/N) knocked three times on the wooden door, shifting the tray of tea to one hand.

"Come in." Erwin's voice called from the other side.

(Y/N) pushed open the door and walked in casually. Erwin sat at his desk, a pile of papers stacked higher than his head waited before him.

"Rough day?" (Y/N) chuckled as she placed the tray on the small coffee table.

Erwin rubbed his temples. "Yes. We have some new transfers coming in tomorrow and the paperwork is insufferable."

(Y/N) poured him a cup of tea, adding milk and honey as she knew he liked it. "Transfers? From which Regiment?" (Y/N) placed the cup at the side of Erwin's desk.


(Y/N) face scrunched. None? What did that mean?

"They're not coming from another Regiment?"

Erwin shook his head. "They're not in the Military."

(Y/N) nearly spit out her tea. "You mean they've never had formal training?"

"No." Erwin picked up his cup and took a sip, smiling as he set it back down. (Y/N) made the best tea.

(Y/N)'s eyes narrowed. Erwin looked a bit too smug for her liking. "Did you recruit them?" Erwin nodded, scribbling away at the paperwork before him. (Y/N) raised an eyebrow. It wasn't like Erwin to be vague. "Where did you find them?"

"You'll see."

(Y/N)'s jaw dropped. "You're not going to tell me? Why?"

Erwin stopped his scribbling to look up at her, a smirk plastered to his face. "To be honest, I want to see your genuine, unfiltered reaction. They're quite the bunch."

(Y/N) jumped from her seat and walked over to Erwin, grabbing his hand and squeezing it. "Oh come on, pleeeeeease?" (Y/N) gave him her biggest smile and batted her eyelashes dramatically.

Erwin chuckled at her attempt to get information out of him. "Sorry, but no."

(Y/N) dropped his hand, a pout forming on her face. "You're no fun."

Erwin smiled and returned to his work.

(Y/N) plopped back down onto the couch, taking another sip of her tea.

"How was your day?" Erwin's words were soft and comforting.

(Y/N) jutted her chin out. He was changing the subject. Eventually, she sighed and replied.

"The same as usual. Flagon went off about getting horseshit on his shoes and made us clean out the stables. Then Hanji made me do another 'experiment'. She wanted me to do the one where I kill as many dummies as I can in one minute. Apparently my score went up by two so I guess there's that."

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