Imagine 1: Thomas

Start from the beginning

'(Y/N)' some guys scream, running up to you. Thomas is at the front with Newt, Minho and Gally. 'Let go of her. Don't you dare touch her.' Thomas yells, trying to run even faster when he sees the greenie punching you for the second time.

When the guys finally get to you and the guy is ripped away from you, your face is bleeding. He landed at least five closed fist all around your body. You would probably have black eye and some bruises later on.

Thomas envelops you in a close hug. '(Y/N), are you okay? Please say that you are okay.' He whispers, rocking you from left to right, tears streaming down his face.

The other guys are looking at you. 'Love, you have to be okay. We can't do this shucking thing without you.' Newt says, sitting down next to you.

'I'm okay guys. I promise. He just cornered me in the deadheads.' You reply, standing up and dusting yourself off. A small groan escapes from your lips.

'Hmm, (n/y) I don't think you should be standing up and all.' Minho says, trying to get you to lay back down.

'Guys, I have to kick someone's ass in the pit. You know that I have to do it." You say looking around. Protests are heard throughout the whole group.

'I don't think so. I will do this for you.' Gally says, cracking his knuckles.

'No, Gally. I have to do this myself. You know it, the rules and all. We can't break the rules.' You say with a wink and start walking or more like limping towards the pit. 'Bring him.'

After a while they bring the new greenie towards the pit, you can see that they already hurt him to make him weaker. 'To make the odds even.' Thomas whispers in your ear. You can see his bleeding knuckles; you nod in acknowledgment. Thank you, you mouth to him.

Gally starts with explaining all the rules to the greenie, clapping him on the back just a little too hard. 'Both ready? Okay, start.' He says and walks out of the pit. From now on nobody is allowed to help you, unless you yell to give up.

The greenie storms to you, which is a bad move. You are quick and flexible; with ease you avoid his attack. Afterwards you stick out you leg, tackling the greenie to the ground. Within seconds you are on his lap and start punching his face. You can only see red, every punch you land, every crack you hear, just makes you even madder.

Still you hear the moment the greenie gives up, you let go off him. His face is a mess of blood and broken bones. 'Have fun during your banishment.' You spit out and walk away.

But you don't make it far, you stumble, exhaustion taking over. Before you hit the ground, two strong arms wrap around your waist. 'Let's get you to the med jacks. I think you need it. You kicked his ass though. You are one though cookie.' You hear a soothing voice say.

'Thank you, Thomas. It felt amazing.' You reply, letting him carry you to the med jacks. Once you are laid down, you get some painkillers. They don't take long to bring you to a joyful bliss. A loopy smile covers your face.

'You know, Thomas. He tried to touch me. But he isn't allowed to do that. Only you are allowed to.' You say, looking at him with your big eyes.

'Okay, (Y/N). I think the drugs are taking over.' Thomas replies, pushing some hair out of your face.

'Do you want to know where you can touch me?'' you say, grabbing his hand. You bring his hand towards your hips. 'Here' you say.

Afterwards you bring his hand upwards to your breasts. 'and here. And everywhere you want. I love you Thomas, you are the best thing that ever happened to me.' You add.

Thomas looks at you. 'You don't know what you are saying. And you will probably not remember this, but I also love you (Y/N). So much, when I saw that guy touching you, I wanted to kill him.' He replies.

'I kicked his ass. You don't have to kill him, the grievers will.' You say, looking at him. It doesn't really register in your head that Thomas just confessed his love for you.

'You did. Now go to sleep.' Thomas laughs, taking your hand in his. 'I will protect you, princess.' He adds.

You sigh and close your eyes.

(Time skip)

You wake up wit a startle and let out loud groan, your whole body hurts. Muscles you didn't even know you had, are sore and you have a major headache. Everything that happened yesterday comes back and you gasp. 'I did not do that. No way.' You say out loud.

'You didn't do what?' A voice asks.

'Thomas, you shank. You startled me.' You gasp out, feeling a rush of pain through your whole body. You start coughing.

'(Y/N), hey hey. It's okay. It's just me. I nobody will hurt you.' Thomas says, running up to you. He hugs you a little too tight for comfort.

'Thomas, you are kinda hurting me.' You manage to groan out. He lets go of you in an instant and almost turns away from you. You take his hands and push him against the bed. You lay down next to him, your head resting on his shoulder.

'I'm sorry (Y/N).' he whispers, his fingers go combing through your hair.

"It's okay Thomas. You didn't mean to.' You reply, closing your eyes. You are just enjoying the quiet moment between you. The two of you never have an awkward silence.

'Hey, Thomas. Just so you know. I remember' you mumble embarrassed. 'I would understand that you didn't mean it though.' You add, not really knowing what to say.

You never imagined that he would have feelings for you. He was amazing and you were just you. From the first moment that he came out the box, it clicked. You guys became best friends, constantly pranking each other, making silly jokes. Slowly over time your feelings changed, but you never acted on it. You were too afraid to lose a good friendship.

You come back to the real world when two soft lips touch yours. Your eyes open and you don't react. Thomas backs away, a hurt look in his eyes. 'I'm sorry.' He whispers.

A tear escapes from your eye. 'No, no. please. Please do it again. I love you Thomas, I just don't want to lose you.' You say, taking his face between your bandaged hands. You bring his face closer to yours and start kissing him. This time you are both into it, you give Thomas' tongue access to your mouth.

'Finally, ya bloody shanks.' Newt says from the door, Minho right behind him.

You stop kissing, a goofy smile on your faces.

'Way to go, Thomas. Don't hurt her. I would say that I will kick your ass. But (Y/N) can do that herself.' Minho says. They both turn around, leaving you alone.

Thomas cradles your hand. 'Just promise me one thing. Next time don't punch a tree." He laughs, pecking your lips lightly.

'I will.' You reply, a small smile on your face. At this moment you know that everything will be alright. You know that you can take the next greenie on if needed and that all the guys have your back. 

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