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Next day Garen went to Agah. He said to him " We will have dinner tonight with the crew. Why don't you join us?" Agah was surprised. This guy was just his doctor. But he accepted. He said "Ok, ı will be there. Thank you." Garen smiled. "You're welcome."

Ralph was in Bertha Parker's room. "Where are you from, Bertha?" Bertha smiled and answered. "I am from England. I'm math teacher but ı like helping everybody. So ı went to Egypt. Children need the water in there. That's why ı help them." Ralph was happy for her. "You're very kind and helpful. Those kids are very lucky." Bertha Parker was happy. "Thank you detective." Ralph stood up. "Look at me Bertha. We will have dinner with the crew. Do you want to join us?" Bertha thought and said. "I'm not fine for now but ı'm sure ı'll be fine tonight. I will come." Ralph smiled to her. "Ok, ı will be waiting you. See you tonight."

Detective Ralph went to Bertha Parker's room. "Bertha, are you ready?" Bertha answered. "Yes Detective Lewis. We can go." They went to food floor. Agah and Doctor Garen was there. Garen smiled and stood up when he saw the detective. "Oh Detective, welcome." Ralph smiled. "Thanks." Garen turned to Bertha. " Bertha, welcome. Hey, you are very stylish for tonight." Bertha laughed. "Doctor Garen, you are very kind. This is nice." They sat. The crew wasn't crowded. Ralph greeted all of them. Then they started dinner.

Agah turned to Marcos Smitch. He asked "What's your job?" Marcos Smitch was the oldest in the crew. He had blond hair and white skin. Marcos answered to him. "I'm chief of deck in this ship. Actually ı was painter but..." He stoped. Then he started talking again. " My son died so ı left from England and ı came to this ship." Bertha was ery sad for hiim. "Oh, Marcos... I'm sorry for you." Marcos smiled. "Not important." Ralph wondered why. "Forgive me, Marcos but ı wondered. Why did your son die?" Marcos breathed and he started talking. " Ten years ago... The earth was very bad. There was Spanish virus. This virus killed kids. There were dead children on the streets. They couldn't breathe. 15% of the world's population died." They were sorry. They remembered this epidemic. Garen and Bertha was crying. Agah asked. "How old was he?" Marcos started crying. "He was a child. He was 13."

After the meal, Ralph and Garen went to the deck. Ralph thought about Marcos. "Look Doctor. Maybe Marcos wanted to take vengeance on the world."

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