Chapter 8

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Scarlett POV

"So are you ever gonna tell us what happened?" JJ asked after the case making me lean back.

"You've been looking at your phone every five minutes ever since you got to the office a few days ago. Did you really think we wouldn't notice?" She asks and I sigh looking up.

"Me and KJ got into a fight." I say not looking at her.

"About?" She asks and I close my eyes.

"About me.. about how he always tells me everything and I tell him nothing. And I know he's right.. I just don't want him to.." JJ cuts me off.

"Understand you?" She asks and I shake my head.

"I don't want him to picture me like that, I don't want him to have to picture dead people, see me as a killer." I say sighing heavily.

"You're scared." She says and I chuckle with a sigh.

"He called me a coward. He said I was running away and maybe I was.. maybe I still am. Maybe deep down I know he's too good for me, but a part of me is so desperately trying to hold on to the believe that maybe he will be my salvation." I say sighing again.

"So he has no idea you were an assassin before you became an FBI agent?" She asks and I sigh again.

"He doesn't even know about my parents JJ how is he going to know about me being an assassin? He's right I do keep things from him, I keep everything that has to do with my past hidden because he's like light, the sun itself and I'm just thick mist or dark clouds just ready to cover that bright light replacing it with darkness and glumness." I say shaking my head.

"You know the sun is only covered for only so long.. but remember the longer the clouds hold out the longer the storm lasts." She says making me look at my hands as she pats my shoulder and gets up leaving me to my thoughts.

I've never ran away, I've always faced everything head on, even when I told Spencer of my history, even when I faced death more times than I can count, even when I sustain the torture training, the testing room.. more like the simulation chamber, a place where my head was manipulated into being in scenarios I really wasn't, feel the pain, know the smells, it was real if you didn't know where you were and even if you knew the scenarios would sometimes make you forget they were fake. So what makes KJ so important that I can't face him? What makes him so special that I can't tell him like I did everyone else in this team?

As we land I decided I'd face him. I texted him and told him to wait for me outside of the building. I didn't get a response so I didn't know what to expect but as we all made it to the building, because Spencer had asked them to help him clean the house, we see KJ seating on the stairs. JJ told them to follow her and I stayed behind giving her a thankful look.

"So why did you tell me to meet you here?" He asks once everyone was gone and I sigh taking a seat next to him.

"You wanted to know.." I whisper taking a long breath, this is harder than I thought.

"You keep asking why my life was so different from yours right? Well aside from me being in the FBI and the BAU no less at the age of 16 while you're still in school being a year older than me that is." I say with a slight smirk before looking at him to notice he was staring at me.

"Well here it goes.. I was raised to be an assassin with the job of a hitman. My parents were both trained since little age and they passed that down to me. I watch my father kill for the first time when I was 11 years old.. I didn't feel anything. I'd been trained to kill, to torture, to take torture, to feel absolutely nothing but at home while facing death. I watched the man beg for his life and I didn't care only listening to the instructions given by my father. I killed for the first time when I was 12, my target was an abusive husband who beat his wife and almost killed his daughter, his wife paid a lot of money to watch him die.. as soon as the money was in my hands I started my work." I shake my head chuckling a bit at the memory.

"I remember my father being in the room, the woman couldn't understand why he was letting a 12 year old, his own daughter who was only a year older than her own do the killing.. and then when I started doing as she wished she was horrified at the sight.. she didn't know I'd seen people die worse ways than the death she gave him, she didn't know that at that age I wasn't human. I don't think I ever was and even now I'm only pretending most of it. I can't feel a lot of things, pain is numb, emotions are mostly fake, humanity only around you.. the first time I met you.. it was the first time I felt something. I felt like life was giving me the chance of having a normal life, it was telling me I could do it if I really tried. I'm gonna be 17 in two weeks and I noticed that I still have a long way to go before I can be the person I'd like to become.. and I honestly think you'd help me a lot by being by my side but if after this you wish to never see or talk to me again I'd get it." I say and he stays silent for some time before finally speaking.

"What happened to your parents?" He asks and I look at my hands.

"My dad killed my mother.. it wasn't on purpose, I know it was an accident but it still happened.. so now my father's in prison for life in isolation where I visit him once in a while." I answer.

"Have you ever dated?" He asks causing me to laugh, I laugh so hard for the first time ever my stomach is hurting and tears fall from my eyes.

"Out of everything I told you, and all the questions you could ask you choose that?" I ask looking at him as he shrugs and I chuckle to myself before answering.

"I have, but it didn't work out. We were together for a year but I just couldn't be with him anymore. He wasn't a bad guy but he was a little obsessive and very competitive which I found stupid cause he could never beat me at anything." I say looking at him as he nods.

"Do you miss him? Do I need to worry about that?" He asks and I smile placing my hand on his cheek getting closer to him looking into his eyes.

"No.. I can assure you that he never made me feel in a year what you made me feel in a week." I say before kissing his lips. 

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 21, 2020 ⏰

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