Chapter 4

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Ok so I feel like I should tell you that I will not be following all of the chapters but only some of them and some things may change as well to go along with this story and try to say what chapter it is and it won't always be the whole chapter since this is about her life and you guys didn't come here to read the Criminal Minds series now did you? I will be adding another character which will be a love interest for her. This will be 'The Good Earth' S8: E5.

Scarlett POV

"I'm leaving!" I call through the apartment putting my shoes on before my run.

"Be back within half an hour." Spencer says as he walks into the living room with a cup of coffee looking at me and I nodded.

"We work in 2 hours, it'll just be a short run to keep me in shape." I say as I get up and he chuckles.

"Yeah cause chasing bad guys isn't athletic enough." He says making me chuckle.

"I'll see you later Spencer." I say waving my hand before walking out the door and heading to the stairs when I saw a guy, he was handsome, dark brown hair, brown eyes, tall.. and has abs, strong arms with a tattoo on his shoulder. He's shirtless with basketball shorts and sport shoes.

"Hi." He says with an accent giving me a smile while looking me up and down making me smirk. I have shorts with a sport's bra with running shoes and my hair up in a high pony tail.

"Hey." I say looking into his eyes.

"Going for a run?" He asks walking next to me down the stairs.

"Yeah." I say glancing at him.

"What about you?" I ask looking at his hands before continuing. 

"I don't see a bag so I don't think you're going to a gym." I say.

"That is correct, I'm going on a run like you." He says and I nod.

"Uh, I haven't seen you around before." He continues as we make it out the door and I glance at him.

"I'm not here a lot of the time, I travel a lot and I just moved a few weeks ago." I say as I started jogging and he followed.

"Travel huh? Where are you from?" He asks with a small chuckle.

"England." I answer.

"You?" I ask.

"New Zeeland. How old are you?" He answers/asks, he's either every intrigued by me or he's up to something but nothing about him is leading me to believe in the latter.

"16 almost 17. What about you?" I say looking at him.

"17 almost 18, what school are you in?" He asks.

"You're asking me a whole lot of questions and non of those have been my name." I say glancing at him as he chuckles a bit looking forward.

"I'm Keneti but everyone calls me KJ." He says and I nod.

"Scarlett, and I don't go to school." I say.

"Home schooled?" He asked a bit surprised.

"You can say that." I say smirking.

"I've never met someone who was home schooled before." He says.

"Trust me if that surprises you, you've never met someone like me." I say glancing at him again before looking forward again.

"Oh trust me I haven't, I've never seen a girl as beautiful as you before." He says making me chuckle before listing to my phone ring with an alarm signaling me I have to head back. I stop running and look down at the alarm and time, I have 10 minutes to get back.

"I have to go." I say.

"Was it something I said?" He asks and I laugh.

"No, I have work to do." I say.

"Work? You're 16 right?" He asks making me chuckle.

"Yeah but I still work. I really have to go." I say turning around but he holds my hand, not forcefully but enough to make me stop and look at him.

"Can I at least get your phone number?" He asks with slight hope in his eyes and I bite my lip before extending my hand and he gave me his phone. I put my phone number in before texting myself putting my name as 'Dangerous Beauty' before handing him his phone back.

"I'll see you later." I say before running back to the apartment and start getting ready by taking a bath and get dressed grabbing a hold of my go bag before going with Spencer down to the car and we drive to the BAU. 

"Those of you who like a good mystery, please unleash your inner Agatha Christie cause this one's a real Humdinger. Gary Ellard, Barry Deaver, Paul Hicks, Terry Rodgers, over the course of the last month and a half, these 4 men have gotten in their cars in LA Grande, Oregon, and drove into the never to be seen again ville, poof gone. The latest victim Terry Rodgers disappeared 24 hours ago." Garcia says.

"Forensic evidence point us anywhere?" JJ asks.

"Uh, point would imply there is evidence, and there is no evidence, at least for the first 3 victims." Garcia says.

"No forensics, no witnesses, no random demands. Maybe these guys voluntarily decided to hit the road." Morgan says.

"4 sudden disappearances in a community this small this isn't about seeking greener pastures." Rossi says.

"And based on last known sightings we're dealing with a sizeable geographic area." Hotch says.

"He's efficient and well organized it's not easy to make 4 people vanish and stay vanished." Morgan says.

"It has been done before though." I say.

"Scar's right, political kidnappings frequently require holding multiple adults simultaneously." Spencer continues.

"Or they're already dead. Nothing says 'can't be found' like a shallow grave in the middle of nowhere." Rossi says as I slightly nodded.

"How is the unsub controlling them?" Blake asks.

"And for what purpose?" JJ says.

"He could either be over powering them which would mean the unsub is physically strong, it could be holding them in a secluded place or restraining them.. maybe even all of the above." I say.

"The time between abductions is shortening with each victim. Wheels up in 30." Hotch says as we all nod. As I get up I get a text I look down and notice an unknown number with two text meaning it's probably KJ. I open it and I'm correct as I see his initials which is what I send myself and then another text below that.

How's work?

I chuckle rolling my eyes before answering him.

Well I won't be home in a while if that's what you're implying.

I text back just to get an instant message back.

How much does a while mean?

I smile a little before texting back.

A few days, maybe a week depending on how it goes.

So you travel for work?

You can say that.

Then what do you do?

"We're leaving Scar!" Spencer called and I quickly texted.

I have to go we'll continue this later.

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