Ch.6 Burnt Space

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Logan POV

My eyes wandered around the room till they came to what use to be an attractive sight. Now was just repulsive to my eyes. Heather walked towards me a drink in her hand. "Hey Logan" she said her voice high pitched "Hello" I said simply. This caused a frown to appear on her face. "What's wrong Logy-Poo" she ran her hand up my chest seductively. Failing at the attempt. "Don't call me that" I said coldly taking her hand off my chest. The thought of her touching me made me sick, even more sick then the thought of her having touched me. "At least let me have one dance" she said grabbing my wrist and pulling me out to the dance floor. I groaned as I was unwillingly pulled out onto the dance floor. Heather placed my hands on her waist and hers around my neck. My eyes trailed down her body, how I ever liked this was a mystery. She was no JayZ, her hair wasn't as shiny, her body didn't have the curves JayZ did. Heather hand no problem flaunting herself in the most unattractive way and JayZ she seemed to be the type of girl who new she was attractive but never really took to much time to show it. A small smile spread to my lip. 'Stacy have you seen JayZ anywhere?' I asked through our mind link. 'She's right here, I'll send her your way'. "See Logy-Poo, I knew you'd enjoy yourself" Heather said taking a step closer, her body pressing against mine. 'Alpha, JayZ's looking for you' Stacy called through our link. A grin appeared on my face, tonight was the night. My eyes roamed the room "Logan! Have you been listening to me!?" Heather screeched I looked down at her. Her eyebrows were nit together and nose was scrunched "Frankly no I haven't and I don't wish to speak to you any longer" I said smoothly "Why not!?" Obviously Heather has a bad job of understanding when she's not wanted. I was about to tell her off when I made the mistake of looking up. I saw JayZ with him. Griffin. My brother, I focused on what they were saying and listened in.

"I-I'm fine, I'd just like to go home.." JayZs voice was soft and weak. What happened had someone offended her? Was she upset about something I did? Had I done something? Griffin gave her a sympathetic smile then placed his hand on her shoulder. This got me angry, another male touching my mate. My mate! "Logan!" Heather yelled I looked back down at her. "Why are you looking at her?! She's your secretary" "She's much more then just my secretary" I spoked calmly "She's not even pretty" Heather demanded. My eyes shot up to her "She's is and will always be much prettier then you'll ever be" I must have shocked her with my tone as she had stepped back. "But Logan-" I cut her off "It's Alpha to you" I demanded coldly Heather turned around and walked away her head down and shoulders shaking.
I didn't feel bad either she insulted my mate. No one has a right to do such, I took two deep breaths before turning around to see Griffin and JayZ were gone. Oh god did he take her home? What if that hormone infested try's to make a move on her? I would rip his throat out brother or not she's mine and only mine.


"I-I'm fine, I'd just like to go home.." I said I couldn't believe Logan was dancing with her. "Oh come on this benefit isn't that bad" Griffin I believe he called himself nudged my shoulder "No it's lovely but I-" once again Griffin interrupted me "Come outside with me" Griffin smiled his green eyes sparkling Griffin and I walked outside to the balcony, the balcony over looked the city and all it's glory. It was breath taking me, the rails were strung with white lights. "Beautiful isn't it" Griffin smiled "Yes. Yes it is, New York City is lovely" I breathed "You know my father owns a good seventy three percent of the city area" Griffin said pointing at the city skyscrapers and buildings "You made that up" I laughed at him "No no it's true" Griffin joined in my laughter "Oh come now brother he owns much more then that" someone said behind us, I turned to see Logan walking out towards us. "Logan" I gave him a soft smile but it was forced. "JayZ" Logan said "Ah so that's the lovely lady's name" Griffin gave me a flattering smile "Yes" Logan said through gritted teeth "Logan you never said you had a brother" I quickly said "Well he has been in England for four years" Logan said keeping eye contact with Griffin. "England? That sounds wonderful" I said looking at Griffin "Yes and I would be more than happy to take you there" Griffin said grabbing my hand "Away we shall go! To London a city of wonders!" He pulled me with him and spun me around I couldn't contain my laughter. "Griffin" Logan growled out his voice thick with an emotion i couldn't quit tell what it was. "I believe father is looking for you" he said. Griffin looked at me and placed his lips on my hand "To London" he said before walking away.
Logan and I stood in silence for a minute before I started to walk back inside "Where are you going?" Logan asked "Why would you care? Don't you have a date?" I asked over my shoulder "Are you jealous" Logan asked whatever mood he was in minutes ago was now gone. "Of course not! I have nothing to be jealous about" I stated Logan cracked a smile "JayZ no one in the world could compare to you" Logan said walking towards me. "Logan.." I trailed off "JayZ" he smiled "Logan this is your place of business" I said "And?" He asked "I-I don't know" I said looking down. My heart is beating fast against my chest the air in my lungs was being sucked out of them. I looked up to see Logan's beautiful eyes looking down at me his plump lips in a small smile. I did something I never thought I would do and at that moment I couldn't be any happier. I leaned in to Logan our lips pressing to each other we kissed automaticity like our life's depended on it. I wrapped my arms around his neck, his around my waist and I felt him smile into the kiss.

"You kissed him!" Stacy exclaimed her shopping bags bouncing up and down as she jumped. "Yes" I blushed. Stacy and I arranged to have lunch then go shopping and I was going to tell her the, as she put it 'juicy details' of my night "And then what happened?!" She asked her face in a full grin "I walked away" I said "But it wasn't an oh no what have I done type of walk away it was a yeah I just kissed you and I liked it kinda walk away" I explained "This is fabulous" she smiled. We hailed a taxi so we could go back to my place and drop off our stuff, while we were out shopping we decided dinner would make a fine ending to our lovely day.
Pulling up to my apartment complex there were fire trucks and fire fighters around the building. I started to panic and I rushed out of the taxi. "What the hell happened?!" I shouted a fireman heard me and turned around "Miss there was a fire in apartment 16C burnt down half the floor" he informed me "16C that's next door to mine" I muttered to myself. Stacy came up to me our bags in her hands "Is everything alright?" Stacy asked I turned to look at her "No, the apartment next to mine burnt down the whole floor!" I exclaimed Stacy covered her mouth in shock "Jay that's horrible" she said hugging me "Is it safe to go in?" I asked turning back to the fireman "If should be now" he said I nodded before going in to see what of mine I had left.

"Everything's burned" I said opening the door, Stacy stood behind me "It's not so bad babe, look your dresser isn't burned" she pointed out walking over to my dresser. The apartment wasn't too big one small living area with a small kitchen and one normal sized room and a bathroom. "Your bedrooms fine" Stacy said walking out of my room "That's good" I said in a monotone voice. "Jay you can't live like this" Stacy pointed out "You can come live with me!" She exclaimed in excitement "Stacy I can't, I don't want to burden you" I shook my head "No no I'll ask Hunter" she said pulling out her phone she walked way for a second and I took the time to look around my room. Thankfully nothing in here was burned except the entry way but there was nothing to valuable there anyway. I heard Stacy's heels click as she walked in. "Hunter said it was okay, you'll stay on the lower level with us" she said before going over to my closet. I almost asked who lived on the upper level but then decided it wasn't important.
Stacy helped me pack everything I could fit in two suit cases and a duffle bag before we headed to her apartment. Stacy talked about how it was in Manhattan and it was two whole floors. The excitement in her voice about the idea of "living together" made me feel less of a burden.
We arrived to her place, Stacy opened the door. The enter place was so open and modern. White tile floors black couches a huge window over looking the city. "This is beautiful" I gaped as i walked closer to the window "JayZ how nice to see you again" I deep voice said I turned to see Hunter he greeted me with a smile before going over to Stacy and kissing her. "JayZ?" I recognized the voice to well. I turned to see Logan at the top of the stairs shirtless. My eyes widened before I looked away anywhere but his chest "What are you doing here?" He asked walking down he had a shirt in his hands he put it on as he reached the bottom steps. I took a closer look at him, he was wearing a dark blue tee shirt and dark blue jeans. I had never seen him wear jeans before then again I've only ever seen him in the office. "My uh- the" I couldn't think straight "Her neighbors apartment burnt down the whole floor" Stacy pipped in "Are you okay?" Logan quickly asked "Yes I'm fine" I nodded "Come on Jay I'll show you your room" Stacy said leading me out of the living room and down the hallway. "Why didn't you tell me Logan lived on the upper level?" I asked in a hushed tone "I didn't oops must have slipped my mind" Stacy said as we walked to the room I'll be staying in.

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