chapter 9 - hearing voices

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Everyone was sleeping peacefully for most of the night untill everyone, but harry, was woken up by a horrible scream. The slytherins looksat each other confused. Before they notice Hermione and ron getting up and rushing to harry to try and wake him up.
Ron: harry. Wake up mate its just a nightmare.
Hermione: he isn't here. What he is showing up isn't true.
The slytherins what them confused. Who is he they keep mentioning Suddenly, harry shoots up awake and panicing. Ron and Hermione hug him and rub his back. After a while he calms down fully.
Draco: what in Merlin was that?!
Harry flinched and looked at him before mumbling
Harry: sorry I woke you all up.
Pansy: tell us what that was.
Harry looks at Hermione and Ron who nod to say he should tell them. Harry looks back at the slytherins.
Harry: a nightmare.
Blaise: why did you have a nightmare?
Harry thinks of way he can tell them without crying, when suddenly music starts playing. Everyone looks harry as he starts singing.
Harry: There are days when I feel on top of the world
And days when I'm not myself at all
There's a man in my head he talks to me
He's telling me lies that I believe

And his voice is the thunder
And I keep falling under
I'm not who I wish to be

Now I just wanna break down
But I won't say it out loud
So how do I make you see?

I keep on hearing voices
They're questioning my choices
I lay awake, I can't sleep, no
hearing voices

The cycles I try to break them
But I just can't seem to shake them
Guess I'm stuck in this routine
When I hear the voices say

You're not good enough
You should give up
You'll never find love
When I hear the voices,
I hear the voices say

I still hold on to hope so hopelessly
But don't see the love surrounding me
There's a light on the hill I try to reach
But every time the climbs too steep

And his voice like the thunder
Keeps me falling under
I'm not who I wish to be

Now I just wanna break down
But I won't say it out loud
So how do I make you see?

I keep on hearing voices
They're questioning my choices
I lay awake, I can't sleep, no
hearing voices

The cycles I try to break them
But I just can't seem to shake them
Guess I'm stuck in this routine
When I hear the voices say

You're not good enough
You should give up
You'll never find love
When I hear the voices,
I hear the voices say

Happy child just stay the same as you are
Happy child don't change
Happy child teach us to smile through the dark
Happy child don't change like me
Cause I keep on hearing...

I keep on hearing voices
They're questioning my choices
I lay awake, I can't sleep, no
hearing voices

The cycles I try to break them
But I just can't seem to shake them
Guess I'm stuck in this routine
When I hear the voices say

You're not good enough
You should give up
You'll never find love
When I hear the voices,
I'm hearing voices.

When I hear the voices,
I hear the voices say,
When I hear the voices,
I'm hearing voice say.

As soon as harry stops singing, he starts crying. Ron and Hermione hug him tightly and try and calm down. The slytherins look at harry in sadness. It was then that they realised the golden boy wasn't happy, wasn't spoilet, that he wasn't getting everything he wants and that he doesn't have the perfect life

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