'Okay, see that vent over there, I need you both to climb up and crawl through it, about 12 metres in. got it?'

'What about you?!' Alya silently shouted

'Don't worry about me, I'll meet you there. Now go!'

The two ran off leaving marinette behind. Another sound was heard, this time, it sounded like a group of people. She was surrounded.

There were four boys, two of them being twins. Their age ranging from 14-16. They all wore jackets with a symbol on their sleeves, each held their own weapon. Marinette quickly identified the boys.

'What are you guys doing here? She asked them, eyeing their weapons. Two had shot guns, the other had riffles. She hoped they didn't come for her, what if they also worked with her Father?

'We could ask you the same question.' The twins smirked, walking towards her.

' I wouldn't do that if I were you.' She teased,  while reaching for her pocketknife, 'did you know... about him?.' She questioned, being cautious. Why were they here? Did her father send them? Why would they hurt me?

'To be honest with you, we never knew about any of this,' the tallest of the group said, taking a step towards her, 'it was only a matter of time before we figured him out. who would have thought he'd had been lying to us our whole life.' He held down his weapon. Giving her a small lopsided smile.

The two twins smiled as they looked at her.
'We really missed you, ya know?'

'Keith.... josh, and you two knuckle heads'. She gave a slight smile.

'Im Glad we found you Snips,'

The first time they had called her snips, she hated the nickname, but know she treasured it.

Keith was 16, the oldest from the four of them, Josh was 15, and the two twins were 14, Mikey and Logan.
(Mikey is pronounced My-key ;-;)

By now the group had let go of each other. marinette was not afraid of them or their guns. she grew up with the group, they were like family to her, they wouldn't shoot her even if they were forced to. She truely did trust them, just like her brother did. Truth be told, she had no idea why she was so overwhelmed.

'But enough about that, the real reason we were looking for you..... is'. he had trouble forming the right words 'we received information about him, he sent in fang, snips, I don't know what he'll do to you.' He look down, so did the others.

'What's this? the Infamous troopers showing emotions?.' Marinette put her knife back into her pocket, looked him in the eye and smirked.

'Don't worry, they won't find me. I'm not going back. Ever.' She finished

After a few moments she blanked out, when something clicked in her head. Oh.

She darted towards the vents.

'Alya! Nino! it's safe!' She shouted

A faint noise was heard, the two then climbed out and froze in place, looking towards the group of boys in the room.

'Guns'. Alya whispered. 't-they have guns' she started to panic.

'Guys it's okay, there're my brothers . Well, not by blood, but yeh.' She trailed off

'Why do your bro's have guns??' Nino asked tilting his head.

'As you know, the world is not what it used to be Nino.' Marinette said
They both nodded, walking up to the group and introduced themselves. After the small talk they made, josh spoke up.

'Snips, it's not safe here, we should head to camp,' the two looked at each other then Nodded.

'Wait, josh, were you followed?' He look at her, and went inside the van, the rest following him inside. He pulled out a laptop, then logged in.

After he typed the password, a camera popped up on the screen. he was checking all the surveillance footage.


Before Marinette ran away, she barely got to see the world before it was destroyed, she was either training, or studying. She missed her mother.

"I see trees of green,

she remembered the few times when she took her on picnics or road trips with Leo.

red roses too,"

Before she died her family was happy, not having a care in the world.
the sight before her made her feel numb to the bone.
the streets were empty, shopping Centers where closed, there was nothing.

"I see them bloom,

The once beautiful land, wrecked by mankind. Plants were dying, the air was thin, barley anything was left. Grey and black filled the atmosphere, sometimes she forgot what the colour green looked like.

For me and you,"

the group all stared out the windows while they looked at their dying planet.
Earth was fading away, and all they could do was watch.

"And I think to myself,
What a wonderfull world"

(Word count) 1289

~ Isolation ~         (A Miraculous AU fan fiction) 2020 copyrightWhere stories live. Discover now