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The lunch bell rings across the school, signaling the students to group together into their friendships. A girl sighed, staring up at the big open blue sky. Hearing classmates talk about whatever about the newest fad on social media. A tap on her shoulder brought her out of her thought, she turned her head to meet a familiar pair of brown eyes.

"Hey Nene."

"(Y/n)-chan!" She smiled, turning her chair so she could sit across from the (h/c). "You okay?"

"Yep, I'm fine! Just thinking like always!" (Y/n) explained.

"Ah okay!"

"Hey you guys?" Another familiar voice greets, they both turn their heads to see their friend Aoi.

"Hey Aoi!"

"Aoi-chan!" Nene greeted back.

"So have you thought of a way to confess Nene-chan?" Aoi asked the shorter girl.

"N-no..." She responded shamefully, looking away embarrassed.

"It's fine girl, you don't need a man in your life! Not when you have me!" The shortest girl smirked, wrapping her arms around Nene shoulders.

"(Y/n)-chan!" She squeaked, pushing the girl's arms off of her. "I mean, I'd rather have a boyfriend."

"You're breaking my heart, Nene!" The girl exclaimed dramatically. Nene only rolled her eyes and turned to Aoi.

"Anyway, have you ever tried asking one of the eight mysteries?" The purplette asked.

"Which one?" The girl asked, already knowing which ones she would say.

"The Star Studded Girl!" Aoi said excitedly. "She can grant you extreme luck in love!"

"The Star Studded Girl?" Nene asked, unaware of the rumor.

"You haven't heard?" The (h/c) asked, raising a brow curiously. "Also since when did she give you luck in love? I though she was just some random ghost that stared at the stars?"

"Well it's just the rumors I heard!" Aoi explained, getting ready to tell them the exact rumor that's going around.

"They say that if you sneak into the school on a starry night, go to the roof of the abandoned building and you'll see a girl looking up at the stars."

"If you yet her attention, she'll turn to you and you'll see her eyes are exactly like the stars in the sky!"

"She'll ask you a question, 'Tell me. If you wished on the stars, what would it be?' If you her, 'I would wish to be with the one my heart wants'. She'll smile and grant you extreme luck in love!"

"Wait, but why love? Why not just grant any wish from any answer?" (Y/n) asked.

"Well, they say that the girl was actually murdered on that roof! And when she took her last breathe, she wished on the stars to be with the one she loves!"

"So romantic~" Nene awed, her eyes watering and practically had hearts in it. "But...I don't think I could ever sneak into the school at night, I'd get in serious trouble!"

"Not too mention how much of a scaredy cat you are." (Y/n) mumbled, chuckling when Nene heard her and glared.

"Well is there another rumor?" Nene asked.

"Hmm." Aoi thought, until she snapped her fingers. "Hanako-san!"

"Hanako?" (Y/n) asked, curiosity filling her. 'The mystery I haven't met?'


"They say that if you go the third floors girls' bathroom, knock on the last stall three times, and ask 'Hanako-san, Hanako-san, are you there?' you might summon her! If she answers 'I'm here' she'll grant you any wish!"

"Any wish? Why her and not the roof girl? What's with rumors and their wishes?" The short (h/c) grumbled, glaring out the window. "I'd say not do it, you should never get involved with the supernatural. It'll just go bad for you."

"But how else will I confess?!" Nene asked, determination and desperation in her eyes. "I'm asking Hanako-san!"

"Be my guest."


"See you tomorrow you two!" Aoi exclaimed, heading home with Akane, who failed another confession.

"Welp I'm going too, good luck with Hanako." (Y/n) waved, ready to head to her own home. She started to walk away when she was pulled back by shaky hands.

"Um, (Y/n)-chan?" Nene said, nervously looking at the floor. "Can you please come with me? I can't go alone."

"Why not? I'm not dealing with ghosts." (Y/n) sighed, not wanting to go at all. 'Even if I never met this spirit, I'm not interested in finding out who she was.'

"Please, (Y/n)-chan?" She pleaded, looking at (Y/n) with fearful eyes, which the shorter found cute. She grumbled, not able to say no to those eyes.


"Thank you so much!" She hugged the shorter girl, immediately grabbing her hands to drag her to their destination.

Star Studded Eyes (TBHK/JSHK x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now