𝒉𝒐𝒘 𝒕𝒉𝒆𝒚 𝒇𝒊𝒈𝒖𝒓𝒆 𝒐𝒖𝒕 𝒕𝒉𝒆𝒚 𝒍𝒊𝒌𝒆 𝒚𝒐𝒖

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'Things have been dull without Y/N around..' He thought as he paced through the corridors of R.A.D, He couldn't stop fixating himself each day on your smile and your complexion. He loved every inch of you but didn't wanna admit it, He loved how you'd for hours on end give up talking to the others to hang around him. He loved how you would side with him on everything even if he knew it wasn't your moral, He thought you were perfect and he is correct. (y'all are perfect fight me if you say otherwise) he kept thinking of ways to confess, Asking Diavolo Barbatos and Simeon for help with it. He didn't know how to even tell you he was too afraid that you'd reject him. He kept pacing until classes started.


Now you and Mammon were EXTREMELY close, You basically never left his side and he never left yours. He felt drawn to your smile, The way you apologized for everything, The way you showed everyone kindness even after they were rude to you made him fall head over heels for you. He didn't want his brothers to know so he tried keeping it a secret, He felt angered whenever Asmo or Belphie got too close or when Lucifer or Satan would meet with you alone. He hated being torn away from you and actually tried many ways to stop them from being with you so he could be there, He got mad when Levi asked you to go to his room or when Asmo and you went places. He hated when Beel or Belphie were with you, He despised when Lucifer or Satan protects you. He hated and I MEAN HATED when Luke gave you a hug as a thanks for helping him make a cake for Simeon's birthday, He felt anger when you would just not speak to him or when you'd speak to any other male. He didn't know it was love until Asmo went on a rant to Lucifer about how he loved you, That alone pissed Mammon off to the core. He wanted you to himself and only himself


Levi and you always hung out, To Mammons dismay you and Levi developed feelings for one another without realizing how to even subdue them or ignore them. Levi felt angered when Mammon would bring you places without him or got angered when Lucifer talked to Simeon about his love for you, Levi despised it and wanted you to himself. He didn't know if you liked him back so it made him sad, He talked to Luke about it and Luke didn't exactly know how to respond in a situation like that.


Satan and you were pretty close, However one day you were getting a book from the library and fell from the ladder thing, Only for Lucifer to catch you in his arms. It PISSED Satan off as he wanted to be the one you'd call your hero, He felt immense rage until he realized that the jealous envious feeling he had was love. He didn't know what drew him to you but eventually he found out, He was drawn to the way you looked at him, The way you held onto him, the way you hugged him and held him. He loved how gentle you were and how you'd treat him like he was someone and not a carbon copy of Lucifer, He loved how you would wisper in his ear to tease Lucifer and Mammon. He loved you but didn't know how to explain it to you, He wanted you, He longs for your warm embrace and he wants you to be his.


Asmo and you were like best buddies, Hanging out alot and spreading gossip around together. He felt a special connection to you that he never felt for anyone else, He loved how when he wanted to anger Mammon he could just bite your neck playfully and you'd let him, He loved how you would lay your head on his lap and tell him all your problems, He loved how upfront you were with him and he knew he could treat you better than his brothers could. He wanted you and you wanted him, He loved how you E/C orbs would for hours on end stare into his, He loved how when he's sad you'd play with his hair to make him feel better. He knew he loved you and he knew he was your soulmate. However..He didn't know all of them were your soulmates.


Beel and you would raid the fridge, work out together and sometimes fall asleep together. He adored your cooking and how when he was upset you could make him feel happier with just a sweet smile and a macaron, He loved how you'd snuggle into his arms when you were scared and how you would try to feed him and make him feel better when he was sick. He trusted you with his life and loved you more than food, He wanted to hold you, to be the one you go to, the one you call your lover, He wanted to be the one who's always there for you. He never wants to let you down, Beel loves you dearly.


Belphie and you slept together all the time, When you were having nightmares the first person you'd go to is Belphie to cuddle and take all your problems away, He loved how you called him your 'Sleepy Panda in Shining Armor' when you had nightmares and he loved it when you would come to his hideout during school hours just to sleep with him, How you'd play with his hair and whisper sweet nothings to calm him down. Whenever he cries how you are the first one to yell at whoever hurt him and comfort him, How you would fall asleep on his chest or how you would mumble his name in your sleep. He adored all of it and did stuff he normally wouldn't do just for you, He would carry you places and he would defend you when people picked on you for being human. He adored you and yearned for your touch, He loves you a lot..He just wants to be with his cuddle buddy

Whew that was alot but anyway! I hope you enjoy it and I hope you like it! No Diavolo Barbatos Luke Simeon or Solomon cause I don't wanna ship the pure babs with readers tbh. Sorry! I just feel like they are un-shippable imo!

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