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As the night approached, everyone had gathered in the girls room to discuss the plan the boy was talking about earlier.
"So what's the plan?"The black hair boy asked his friend.
"We follow what they say so we get into the facility. Jesse, he's someone I know we can't trust. One of us has to take him out when we're near Delilah or that Maria chick. My bet is one of them knows something is going to go down and the other doesn't."He explained.
"Ok but how are we supposed to get him alone? Isn't he working for who's ever in charge of this place?"The brown hair girl questioned.
"Most likely they're going to keep us paired up with one another. So, one of us is going to keep a close eye on him and get close to him and the other two girls and take him out or expose him also. The rest of us are going to get everybody out of there. One of us is going to get a look into the files and find any information we can. The rest will either be getting people out or if we have to we will take out The Head of that place and those who work for him."The brunette explained.
"Sounds good to me."The raven hair boy said. The girls agreed and their plan was all set and their friends and family would be coming back.
Maria was lying in her room as she couldn't seem to sleep. She knew what Jesse was up to and it was killing her not telling Delilah. She had to do something. Maria went to go find Delilah when she heard the four friends talking and had to say something once they agreed on a plan.
"Guys."She knocked on the door when the dark hair girl opened it.
"What do you want?"She scolded.
"I heard you guys agreeing on a plan. You're planning on taking out Jesse. You know what he's planning to do."Maria said which left them partly confused.
"You know what he's planning to do?"The raven hair boy asked.
"You knew he was working for The Head this whole time."The brown hair girl said.
"I knew about his plan for a while. At first, I thought okay, there's no harm. But then I realized we're losing the person we love. Jesse handed you friends over because they were snooping around this place. He knocked them out and took them to the Facility. And I feel guilty because if we didn't do this, he said we'll turn Delilah back and I can't do that."Maria told the group.
"Have you told Delilah this?"The Dark hair girl questioned.
"No. She loves Jesse and would deny Jesse doing any of this. That's why I need to tell her soon."Maria stated. The brunette nodded at the brown eye girl and Maria was officially aware of the plan.
Jesse and Delilah were in their shared room, Delilah asleep and Jesse was wide awake thinking about the upcoming day. How everything was going to change in an instant. While thinking, Jesse could hear glass breaking in the distance. He got up out of bed checking the rooms in the renaissance. Maria, the girls, and boys were asleep when he heard something else shattering in the distance. Turning on the light to the kitchen, there stood Delilah's sister, Kelli.
"Kelli, what are you doing here at 1 in the morning eating everything in here?"Jesse questioned.
"Nice to see you too. I thought you could use help tomorrow."She answered, stuffing a sandwich in her mouth.
"Does Delilah know you're here?"He asked.
"She's the one who invited me. She told me about how you're going to get our brother and friends out. So, I want to help also."Kelli answers. Jesse looked at her nervously, and she knew something was up.
"Relax, Jess. I know how you guys still have your powers and stuff but I thought I could use my fighting skills or a weapon to help you guys tomorrow."Kelli said.
"Fine. Clean up when you're done and take the extra room down the hall. I'm going to bed. You'll need your energy if you're fighting tomorrow."Jesse said as he headed back to his room.
"I'm sorry I didn't tell you my sister was going to help us."Delilah mumbled.
"It's fine. The more people,the merrier."Jesse said as he laid down.
"And if she was in there eating my potato chips, I'll kill her."She mumbled. Jesse chuckled before closing his eyes and drifting to sleep.
Meanwhile, everyone was asleep but the brown hair girl was wide awake. Before coming here, she was looking at a very important picture. It was her, her brother's girlfriend, and their friends. One of the very last times they were all together.
"I promise you big brother, we'll be a family again soon."Katie said and put the photo down and went to sleep.
So we found out who the brown hair, brown eye girl was. Everyone has their own plans in the upcoming event. Stay tuned for the next chapter. Until then, be safe and hope quarantine is going good for you.

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