My mouth fell to the floor as tears built up in my eyes.Could this be? like fr? I quickly ran past everyone and to my mom as tears filled both our eyes. I was at a lost for words and I couldn't even stop the tears for storming out of my eyes. Not only was her speech amazing but the fact that I would have my mom around for longer, This was amazing and any bad things the may have been on my mind were wiped away in just a moment.

The rest of the night, as you can image, was filled with tears and hugs from everyone around.Making my way back towards my car I was so tried, I debated on just sleeping the night at my old house but I went against it knowing I wanted to go home.

I soon entered my home and made my way to my bed with out a care in the world when it all hit me,If my mom was getting better what does this this all mean for my case. The only reason I was in on it was because of my mom. But I knew I couldn't tell them because It's not something I wanted to talk about. Ace was just work and my mom was personally. Yet they mixed those worlds so now what?

I knew deep down they would do something to my family if I brought this up, so I will just do this shit the sooner its over the better. I pulled out my phone and texted Ace and asked If he wanted to chill later and him being a man asked if was tryna chill chill or just chill. Making sure he would come by I said I guess he would have to see.

It all felt wried seeing as before I had a motive and now It seems like Im just one of those hoes that just fuck any and every nigga for info, and I wasn't that, Was I? Pushing away those thoughts I calmly pulled the covers and closed my eyes ready to see where my life would be going in the next couple days.

Next morning

I pushed the covers down exposing my bare legs as the sun beamed into my room. I swung one leg at a time out of my bed letting my feet hit the hard wood floor below me. I went to open my blinds more letting the sun light creep in more, loving the feeling on my skin.

I made my way towards my bathroom and started on my daily things. I went towards my shower and turned it on first then I moved on to brushing my teeth, after I got everything I would be needing for after shower care, I stepped in letting the hot water wash over my skin as my whole body relaxed almost on cue.


I moved aside my covers looking for my phone which was wrapped up in the covers as I looked at the random girl I took home from last night. I didn't even know her name, but she was pretty. I sighed slightly as I got my half dead phone looking at the messages I had. I saw one from D and I looked at it and I laughed at her message, she was really playing hard to get with me.

It was cool though I'll get her soon or later. I got out the bed leaving the random girl behind as I headed towards my shower. Turning the water on I hoped in and I felt a pair of small hands wrap around my back as she reached down and started stroking my man hood.

"You tryna get into that already?"

"Im ready when you are baby." she spoke quickly as I laughed again I really gotta stop messing with these random ass hoes and get in a real relationship.

We did what we did, and I exited the showers leaving her in there to get her self together before she left. I went to my room and put on some black jeans paired with a white t shirt and my white air forces. I got a simple gold chain from my dresser to pair it with my fit as I headed down stairs. When I made it down I grabbed an apple and a bottle of water and went to grab my keys as the girl headed down stairs now fully dressed.

"What we gonna do today daddy?" she said wrapping her arms around me placing her head on my chest

I Laughed lightly pushing her away from my body

"Im gonna go to work and you're gonna do what ever you thots do after a one night stand." I said making it clear that this was only for one night

"come on daddy you know you want this" She said turning around pushing her butt on me

"You are wrong now bye"

"you niggas really ani't shit" she said turning back around looking me dead in the eye

"You right we ani't shit" I said laughing as she rolled her eyes

"Man you niggas ani't shit" she said repeating herself while making the apple from my hand making it fall to the floor as she exited my house.

"Man whatever."

I picked the half eaten apple off the floor and threw it away as I pulled out my phone send a message to D telling her I'll come by later.

I Left out the house headed towards my trap. I got in my car and turned on my music letting dave east buzz through my speakers.

Fuck your bitch and talk again

If He'll die he'll never walk again, he'll never walk again

I got my focus up I got my paper straight, I got my paper straight

The whole club turn around when Im walking in

Fuck your bitch and never talk again



I made my way towards my kitchen to make myself some eggs and toast. My phone ping showing a message from ace telling me he will come by later. I nodded my head as if he could see me as I exited I messages an went to my apple music and connected to my Alexa and I started playing my music, Dave East Again played through my speakers as I started rapping along to the song and moving my body to the beat while cooking.

After I was done I turned off my music and turned on my TV as I started watching sponge bob as I ate. I was gonna make the best out of today I thought as I ate and laughed at the sponge show I was watching.

I was mental preparing myself for Ace to come over. But ever time I started to stress I thought back to why I started this all, even if my mom was getting better the medical bill would still be pretty high right?

At least thats what I have to tell myself.

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