"But you won't." (Y/N)'s head snapped to the side, trying to make out the expression on Erwin's face.

"One soldier can make all the difference, (Y/N). Do not underestimate yourself."

(Y/N) was too stunned by his word to make a coherent reply.

Erwin dropped what was left of his cigar to the ground, squishing it beneath his boot. "Goodnight, cadet."

(Y/N) could only watch as he walked past her, heading back into the castle.

After a few moments of recuperation, (Y/N) was able to move her feet, walking towards the barracks. She shook her head in the darkness. What a bizarre encounter.


(Y/N) found her way back to her room and was thankful that it was empty. Apparently, Tika had yet to escape the rumble of the mess hall.

(Y/N) quickly stripped off her uniform and slipped on her pajamas, taking a seat on the edge of the bed. She placed her head in her hands. This day had been too much.

Erwin had been so quick to analyze her. He had known she knew how to read the stars and those words, 'But you won't.'. He was so confident. Why? Did he have that much faith in her? Did he trust her abilities that much? Did he know?

(Y/N)'s hands ran through her hair. No. That was impossible. There was no way that he could know. There was nothing to know. Her past was unimportant here. It didn't matter where she came from or whose child she was. Here, she was just a soldier.

(Y/N) decided against waiting up for Tika, her friend would probably just worry if she saw the expression on her face. (Y/N) climbed under the covers of her bed and fell asleep as soon as her head hit the pillow.


The next two weeks passed in a flash. The days were spent either on the Training Field or in the classroom where the formations for the upcoming expedition were drilled and smoothed until they couldn't be forgotten. Squad Flagon still held their position at bottom right of the triangle and had planned for what seemed like every possible situation. As careless as he seemed, Flagon actually took his job quite seriously.

Now, the Scout Regiment stood before the gates of Wall Maria, waiting for Erwin's signal to move out. (Y/N), Tika, and Jack all stood at the back right of the group along with the rest of Squad Flagon.

(Y/N) looked out on the crowd that had gathered to watch their departure. Some faces held hope while others held only disgust.

"A waste of taxes."

"They'll all end up dead."

"They never accomplish anything."

(Y/N) listened to their words with a stone face. She pulled on the reins of her horse, urging it to fall back a bit and close the gap between her and her two friends.

Both Jack's and Tika's expressions were focused, but (Y/N) could see the fear. They were scared for their lives and she didn't blame them.

"You two remember what you promised me, right?" (Y/N) kept her gaze forward, her expression unreadable.

Out of the corner of her eye, (Y/N) saw both soldiers nod their heads.

"Good. Remember that you follow my orders, I don't care what anyone else tells you."

Another round of nods followed her words.

"I will protect you."

Silence followed (Y/N)'s determined speech. The three friends looked ahead, awaiting the orders of their Commander.

Don't Die - Levi x Reader {Book 1}Where stories live. Discover now