
The low vibration traveling throughout the overgrowth accompanied by a deep growl had his eyes snapping open once more. Hunk rolled over quickly, looking down within the depths of the roots and jumped as a bright yellow glow illuminated through the crevices. A large grin split his face.

"Oh heck yeah!" He whooped and slipped down into one of the larger openings.

Meanwhile down below, Lance gasped out in startle at the sensations of the ground tremors beneath his bum and quickly scampered to his feet. However, his concern was short-lived as he watched the Green Lion emerge from the tomb of flora, flying down to stand before him, proud and tall.


The Blue Lion skirted through overhangs and Shiro listened as another fighter jet crashed behind him.

"Allura?! Please hun, answer me!" He called out frantically, straining his ears for any noise of some kind to travel over the comms. The Blue Lion had opened a transmission line almost immediately after Allura had been deposited and the sound of the female's voice had yet to be heard.

"Please answer!" He pleaded, voice cracking a tad. Suddenly the Blue Lion was thrown into a spin, heading toward a canyon as it was bombarded by laser fire. The alarms blared throughout the cockpit in warning as multiple screens appeared over the monitor.

"No, no, no, no !" The male exclaimed, pulling on the controls as the familiarity of crashing hit him. "We're going down! We are going down !"

Shiro tried his best to ease the landing but he let out a series of grunts as the Blue Lion landed on it's back, skidding into a roll across the rocky plains until it crashed into the wallside of a cliff. A red light was flashing within the cockpit as the Blue Lion struggled to stand and Shiro moaned; his head pounding from when it slammed back into the seat and he felt nauseous from the tumble. He cracked his eyes open, sweat trailing down his temples as he weakly pulled the control sticks.

"Come on, girl..." He begged, voice breathless from panic as the Lion shook in response but otherwise stayed on the ground.

Crap. He was a sitting duck. Shiro continued to fiddle with the controls in hopes to get it all to work normally until Blue's monitor switched on, and Shiro felt his heart leap into his throat as he watched Blue lock onto the three fighter jets heading towards him.

"Oh no." One of the jets fired their missiles at him and he squeezed his eyes shut, bracing for impact.

However, the missiles never made contact with him as the ground nearby caved in and the Yellow Lion dove up from beneath, pouncing in front of the Blue Lion as it took the brunt of the assault. The Yellow Lion then proceeded past the smoke, golden eyes glimmering as it jumped into the air and belly-flopped onto the remaining fighter jets, effectively crushing them.

"Are you alright, Shiro?" The sound of Allura's voice nearly sent the bulky man to tears as he sagged into his seat, watching the Yellow Lion rise to its feet.

"Allura! I thought you had died! Y-You jumped in front of all those shots to save my life!" He babbled, his brain struggling to filter through his mouth. "Oh my god, are you okay??" Allura appeared over the transmission, looking considerably dirty and dusty but otherwise unharmed.

"Well, actually, I was trying to get out of the way. " She informed, " Thankfully, what this thing lacks in speed, it more than makes up for in armor. Wow, can it take a beating! "

She lets out a noise of surprise as the Yellow Lion is struck from behind. A fleet of fighter jets were coming their way with an onslaught of lasers pummeling towards them, though Yellow provided sufficient cover.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 14, 2020 ⏰

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