Chapter 4

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"I know the Prince said that this is supposed to be my lion, but what if he's wrong ?" Hunk rambled, his hands gripping his shorts tightly. "I mean, he's probably not wrong. He's a prince , but I'm not a pilot — even though I've, uh, always wanted to be a pilot. I mean, I read all the fighter manuals, but never got to fly the simulator. But, hey, I can't be all that worse than Shiro. He crashed all the time."

The sloth-alien looked back at Lance, who shrugged in response.

"But what if I get in there and it doesn't respond? What if I get in there and the seat is too small?" Hunk gasped, hands twitching in panic.

"What if it just doesn't like me!?"

Lance sighed, looking upward as his lips curled back in a soft grin. "You're rambling Hunk." He stated. The familiarity of the situation hit him as he recalled that his friend would often word-vomit if he was nervous; though the cause would be something more tame, like a test grade or social interaction.

Not finding a space robot cat.

"Listen..." Lance trailed, leaning back against the canoe. "...Our Commander on the Kerberos mission is like, the smartest man I have ever met. And he always said, 'if you get too worried about what could go wrong, you might miss a chance to do something great'. Sounds like solid advice if you ask me."

Hunk paused then let out a quiet exhale. "Of course." he giggled lightly, "Now I know where she gets her optimism from."

"Huh?" Lance blinked. 'She' ? Who was 'she' ? Before he could vocalize his questions, the boat pulled up to dock in front of a massive stone temple, though it was covered in large, thick overgrown vines and roots, especially near the top.

"We're here!" Hunk hopped out of the boat, nearly tripping over himself in his hurry. Lance chuckled to himself and stepped out the boat as well, though considerably more calmer on his part, and both he and Hunk waved goodbye to the alien as they rowed away before hurrying to the temple. Along the path, the lion carvings in the ground glowed green and they watched in awe as it traveled up the steps into the mass of vines. Hunk tossed a nervous look to Lance, who smiled back encouragingly.

"Go on. Be great."

That seemed to be the right thing to say as he watched the other take another steadying breath before jogging to the temple. Looking at the sheer size of the structure and the profuse amount of steps it took to get even remotely close to the top, the brunette could extrapolate that this was gonna take a hot minute. So with that thought in mind, he decided to plop his butt in the grass.

Admittedly, Lance wasn't wrong—as Hunk had come to the same conclusion. However, with adrenaline pushing him forward, he heaved himself over another large root and continued to do so until he was at the summit of the temple, gasping.

"Where is...?" He looked around, blinking to clear his bleary vision as he found nothing but miles of jungle surrounding him. The hefty man sank down onto a root, leaning back and winced at feeling the burn in his thighs and arms. "So many stairs...." He wheezed, " much climbing."

And yet, where was the lion? It should have been here.

Hunk stared up at the mint colored sky past the ring of trees above, feeling his brain running a mile a minute while also simultaneously stumped into a pause. His brown eyes slipped shut while a sigh left his chest.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 14, 2020 ⏰

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