
Lance awoke slowly, to the sound of an unfamiliar voice; strong and heavy and speaking in dialect he barely could understand.

"Emperor Zarkon...we were scouting... system X-9-Y as ordered..."

'System? ' Lance pondered slowly before his eyes widened, the memories flowing back in an instant and he snapped his head up.

Firstly, his hands were bound behind his back, he discovered as he nearly toppled over from lack of balance; he only avoided falling due to being so close to the ground already. Secondly, at the sight of a tall being standing on a platform talking through a virtual screen, Lance felt his hackles rise in dread as he started to piece together his situation.

'Holy crow, we were abducted by aliens .'

"...when we found these...primitive scientists. I don't think...they know anything useful."

"Take them back...to the main fleet for interrogation..." A deep, warped voice spoke through the monitor.

Wait, 'them' ? Lance looked around in startle before his eyes landed on the still, unmoving body's of his teammates next to him, bounded and on their knees as well.

"The Druids...will find out what they know."

Lance also realized with great fear, the guards standing behind his friends, holding them at gunpoint and became overtly aware of the barrel he felt softly poking at the back of his head.

Desperate, Lance turned back to the front, his heart ramming his chest.

"Please!" The brunette watched as the alien turned around at his outburst, staring at him hard with beady yellow eyes.

"We come from a peaceful planet!" Lance continued. "W-We mean you no harm! We're unarmed!"

He let out a noise of pain suddenly as the feeling of something hard and solid slamming into the back of his neck sent his world tilting before fading as he lost consciousness once more.


"Galaxy Garrison flight log 5-11-14. Begin descent to Kerberos for rescue mission." The voice of a young man carried through the small spacekraft as he pulled on the control wheel roughly, making the ship take a sharp left turn into a nosedive towards the ice surface of the satellite, Kerberos.

A groan echoed behind him from his fellow teammate. "Shiro!" Shiro's brows pinched in mild annoyance, as sweat beaded his brow. "Could you please keep this thing straight?"

"Relax, Allura." Shiro assured as he watched the surface get closer and closer. "I'm just getting a feel for the stick. I mean it's not like I did this !" He smirked as he gave a sharp jerk to the control, pulling the ship in for another, even deeper nosedive.

Allura clutched at her controls with a frighten squeak, the shaking of the ship making her feel unsteady.

"Or this !" Shiro gave another jerk and Allura felt ill, nausea pooling in her gut.

"Okay..." She spoke weakly, her voice growing with volume, "...Unless you plan to remove shortcake from all the little nooks and crannies in this thing, you'd best knock it off! "

A melodic beep interrupted before Shiro could retort. "We've picked up a distress beacon." Hunk called out.

Shiro pressed a couple of buttons overheard, smirking. "Alright team look alive. Hunk, track those coordinates."

Switch In Reality (A Voltron Fanfic)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя