One More Gift

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David grinned, kissing her nose. "I have one more gift for you. It's out in my car. I'll go get it!" He said excitedly, scampering out the door to his car.
Catherine chuckled, sitting down on the couch. She was eager to see what David got her, and she was growing impatient. He ran back in with a box, setting it down on the floor. "Come here!" He said with a childish grin. She sat down across from him and the box, cocking an eyebrow. "Can I open it?" She asked with a giggle as David nodded quickly.
She smiled up at him, putting her hands on the box. She opened the flaps, to reveal a tiny golden retriever puppy leaping up and down. Catherine grinned, probably the biggest, goofiest grin she ever had on her face. "Aw." She said, breathless. She took the puppy up in her arms, cradling it as if it was a baby. The puppy had a dark blue loose ribbon around his neck, as he was squirming a little in Catherine's laps. "His name is Nolan!" David said happily. "Perfect." Cath said and chuckled. "Nolan and the ginger baby." She said softly, giggling. David picked up the ginger kitten, playing with one of its paws.
"This is the happiest state I've probably been in since... I don't know when." She said with a huge grin.
"Now that, Miss Tate, is the most honourable, pleasing and joyful sentence I have ever heard you say." David murmured and leaned over, pecking Catherine on the lips lightly.
She smiled, leaning on him a little. The two little precious animals started playing together in the couple's arms, pawing playfully and nuzzling at each other. Both Cath and David looked down, both grinning like idiots. "That's the first time I've ever seen a cat and a dog play together." Catherine said with a chuckle, letting both of the animals scamper around the house.
"I feel like we have a family." David said sweetly, pecking Catherine's cheek. She smiled, turning her head quickly to kiss him fully, pulling away after a minute.
"This is a family. A very nice one. An adorable one, that's for sure." She murmured and chuckled.
"I love you." David whispered with a grin.
"I love you too." Catherine said, looking up at him before lacing their fingers together.
"And happy birthday." David added, kissing her ear gently.

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