Turbo x Fem!Reader

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   Y/N sat contently on the floor of the school greenhouse spraying water into a painted white pot of aloe Vera. Humming contently while a buff boy Turbo walked into the room, tilting his head and sitting cross legged next to her. She looked over to him and smiled.

"Hm? While you're here can you go water the tomatoes?"

   He grunted and stood, gently taking the blue spray bottle from her hands and walked aimlessly around the rows of plants lining the room. Before turning to look at her hopelessly and tilting his head. She giggled and stood, she placed the aloe Vera back into his place of the line and walked over towards a tomato's plant.

"This one, it's not hard to tell, tomatoes are the only y'all ones we have. Plus, there's already little tomatoes on here."

   He grunted and walked over, beginning to spray the plants soil with the water. He did so for a few moments before stopping and setting the bottle next to it and began to head for the door. Going to prepare for the next concert. Noticing Y/N not following he made a gesture and she obediently followed next to him. Their hands loosely wrap around each other's.
Sorry it's short but this is just a quick though I had while watering my plant.

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