Chapter 10: Separation

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(Notes: I didn't have ideas for Van Pelt's cut-scenes or lines, so, I'm using it from Jumanji script)

With Van Pelt in the tents

Two guards standing

Van Pelt: Bravestone.

Guard 1: Him and that whole lot.

Van Pelt: They got away?

Guard 2: We lost them in the jungle.

Van Pelt: I should have known.

Guard 1: How do you mean, sir

Van Pelt: I will summon every creature and every soldier to hunt them down. Reclaim what is mine. Find them.

The bird screeches and starts flying to look for them

Awhile with the avatars...

Harold: George, this is not what you think.

George: Well, it is what I think. I thought we were best friends!

Harold: We are best friends! Why did you say that?

With Melvin and Ari

Ari shivers and Melvin gave her a coat

Ari: Thanks.

Melvin: Don't mention it.

Ari: Hey, uh... Melvin?

Melvin: Yes?

Ari: Have you ever heard of trauma?

Melvin: Yes. Why?

Ari: It's about Harold's weakness.

Melvin: It's a deeply distressing or disturbing experience like death as their childhood. Including stress, pain, suffering, torture, anxiety, and nightmares.

Ari: Any... physical injuries?

Melvin: They do have physical injuries including hurt, wounding, sore, bruises, cut, laceration, and abrasion.

Ari looked horrified

Melvin: Are you okay?

Ari *lied*: I-I'm fine.

Melvin: Don't lie.

Ari: Okay. I'm just... very worried about his childhood.

Melvin: You should ask him about his childhood. Not mine.

George (to Harold): I told you if you had fun with her that much and you didn't even listen to me!

Harold: George, you don't understand. I'm not into her. We're best friends!

George: Maybe you think she's your best friend!

Harold: No. she's our best friend!

George: Are you mocking me?

Harold: What? No. I never mock you.

Ari: Whoa, whoa, whoa. I hate to interrupt you two, but what's going on?

George: Well, I think Harold would like to answer your question.

Harold: I can't tell her. You tell her.

George: It's your problem. Not mine. First, you were daydreaming. Second, you spoke out loud about my ideas. Third, we got sucked into this stupid game. And final, I think you like her that much, do you?

Harold and Ari *blushes*: What!?

Harold: I didn't like her. I told you she's our best friend.

George: Currently, she's your best-est friend.

Harold: Why would you ever say that?

Melvin: Okay, enough, you two!

George: Yeah, Harold. I think you two lovebirds should go have an adventure alone.

Harold: You think so?

George: I think so.

Harold: Fine with me. 

Harold takes a gem from George's backpack and put it in his pocket and then leaves

George: Hey! Where do you think you're going?

Harold: Having an adventure alone!

George: What about Ari?

Harold: Her choice!

Harold left

Ari *worried*: Harold.

George: Don't worry about him, Ari. He can be brave as a stone. Ha, get it? He's Bravestone.

Ari: I don't get it.

George: What?

Melvin: (gasp) I'm in love!

Ari: Why did you do that to your own best friend?

George: Well, he deserves to brave. Now let's move.

Ari refuses to go with George

Ari: No.

George and Melvin looks at Ari confuse

George: What do you mean, no?

Ari: I can't leave Harold behind. Didn't you heard for what I've said? I said If we need to get out of this, We must save Jumanji and getting us home.

George: Actually, We can stick together without Harold. Right?

Ari: No. And to be honest, I don't think I'm a great artist.

Ari's leaving and her tear is dropping out

George: W-where are you going?

Ari sniffed

George: Hey. I-I think you're a great artist! Your bird is awesome!

Ari: ... And you didn't care that I'm an artist.

George: W-wait!

Ari left

George: What have I done?

Melvin: I'm sorry. We better get moving.

George: Right.

George and Melvin starts walking and the bird's standing on the tree-like 5 minutes and then flies away screeches to locates the avatars

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