•Part 2- The Past•

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"Awww your brother isn't here to protect you"
"Such a pity"

I satrted tearing up to know that what they were saying was right

Me and my brother was always bullied at New Boston but despite that he was always there to protect me

My bullies then satrted kicking me and throwing a bunch of names at me, Then it stopped when I looked up I saw my brother Bruised up as always

"Don't you dare bully her" He said coldly stepping into one of my bullies "Or what!?" He said struggling to keep his breath up

Then I saw the other kid ready to charge John "JOHN LOOK OUT!!" thankfully he dodge it he knocked outvthe boy he was stepping on

We was targeting the boy hiow shoot him which he also knock out, He then helped me up to go to the infitmary I loomed behind me

"What about them?" I said looking at the boys he beated up "He looked at them and also drag them to the infirmary I don't know how he did that but it was amazing

End of Flashback


"He was already a powerfull kid back then, He always got my back its the least I can do to him" I said looking at the floor

I noticed they all went wide eyed when I told them about our story while John was on his phone as usual

"Wait if John has always protected you,Why did your Parents separate you two?" Remi asked "Well I started to look up to John and started beating people up randomly" That caught Johns Attention.

He looked at me "Why did you beat them up for no reason?" He said trying to calm down

"Because you always get into fights and always win" I said sounding like a child

"*Sigh* Avery I get into fights because there the one that caused it I don't get into fights without a reason" Now shouting the last part which cause as all to flicker

"But bro I changed I try to prevent any unnecessary violence" I said explaining myself

"You better, Your more dangerous because you have an ability" He said in consideration "I will" In response

"Now we come to an agreement lets go to our next class the bell could ring any sec-"  My brother go interrupted when the bell rang

(The next seen will be when school is Over)

Normal POV

"Man class is boring" Isen said we all nodded "Hey I have an idea" Remi said blocking the path, Avery rose my eyebrow in curiosity

"And what's that?" Avery asked, "I was thinking you wanna go to the mall" Remi said jumping in excitement

Avery looked behind her and saw the two boys looked worried "Im in" Avery said. She then notice that John wasn't with them

"Guys do you know where John is?" Avery said almost sounded worried "Oh, He must be already at his house" Remi said with a smooth voice

"John doesn't live on campus?" Avery asked.They all shook there head "But don't worry about him Im sure he's okay, Now come on lets go shopping" As she dragged Avery

There's no Escape now The two boys thought "Guys hurry up" Remi said to the two male which the two male quick followed.

After Shopping

Ability Gauge people who scores 5+ point will have a prize The two males thought while eyeing the booth then they glaze to the two girls in front of them

The two boys thought of a plan to go to convince the two females "Hey guys lets go to that booth, I'll pay" Isen said witha playfull voice

"But We already know our levels" Remi said "that's the thing its an easy prize, C'mon" Blyke begged "Maybe it won't be so bad" Avery said

"Fine" Remi said, They rushed to the booth and checked there ability level "Alright who's first" Remi looked at us and said "I'll go first" The man quickly used his abulity to know her level "Wow your 5 very strong miss you may get your prize later now for the who's next" He said looking at

"Me" Avery said as Avery raised her hand the man grabbed my hand and said with wide eye "Wow miss your a 9 your very powerful I never encounter anyone with your ability, Now please wait while I get your prizes"

One's they saw the reward they quickly looked dissapointed but remi sense something odd in the bears she quickly tear it apart and saw a tracker

They were furious "What's the meaning of this" Blyke said while Isen grabbed his collar, "P-please spare me I don't know what happened" Isen activated and knew the man was lying.

"YOUR LYING" Isen said then out of know where someone threw a smoke bomb it was thick they could barely see.

Then they saw figures under the smoke "Blyke clear out the smoke" Remi said Blyke used his ability to clear out the smoke.

To only realize that they were surrounded with peope they don't know "Who are you!?" Amber said to the tall lady in the front

"We are the Ember and we came to take you such power you have" She said Avery quickly activate her ability only to be seen weak

"Why do I fell weak" Avery said Exhaustedlooking she scanned her eyes and so does her fellow friends

"Did you think we would go unprepared" Rhe lady said now toweeing us as Aveey landed on her knees

No I need to fight Blyke thought as he clenched both his hands.

There Vision started to get blurry and they fell to the ground, Then it was suddenly black

Thw lady just watched them as they lost consciousness "Get them were going back" With that they all followed with a teen in one of there backs

Johns House

Johns POV

'Why do I feel uneasy' I thought to myself 'Maybe I should call Acwey to check if everything is okay' And with that I grabbed my phone and contact Avery

When I dialed her she wouldn't pick up I tried multiple times so I decided to check her tomorrow to see if she is alright 'Maybe her phone is just on silent or off' I said to myself to not worry much about her

1064 words


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