Its Brawl in the Family

Start from the beginning

Winter rushes into Qrow and tries to hit him with her sword multiple times, but he dodges it. Qrow pulls out his harbinger as it turns into a sword. Qrow starts off with a few slashes, but Wimter dodges it. Winter fights back as they were fighting in a big circle.
Sonic and Ruby runs over to Weiss to see what's going on.
Sonic: Yo, Weiss.
Ruby: What's going on?!
Weiss: Some crazy guy just started attacking my sister!
Sonic: What?!
Ruby: Oh no! Who would do such a th—aaaat is my uncle!
Sonic, Weiss: What?!
Ruby: Kick her butt, uncle Qrow!
Weiss: Uhh, teach him respect, Winter!
Sonic: (What is going on?! This is like a battle between family!)
Mercury was walking when he sees Qrow and Winter fighting each other.
Mercury: Huh?
Mercury goes off to go to Emerald and Cinder.
Qrow and Winter's weapons clash together as they both dodged each other's attacks. Winter dodges it's slash and hits Qrow, but it didn't do a thing. Qrow them goes for a powerful strike as Winter uses her gravity dust to dodged it in time. As Winter lands, Qrow runs towards her and goes to hit her, but she dodged as it broke one of the lamps. Winter jumps on it's sword and kicks Qrow. Qrow goes for another slash, but Winter dodges it and jumps up to a building. Qrow, weapon changed to a gun as he shoots Winter, but Winter barely dodges it. Qrow jumps to another building and shoots Winter again as the hit connected which made smoke.
Winter flies down to Qrow as her sword turned to double wield swords and goes to hit Qrow, but he blocks it with his sword as the building breaks. As they fall to the ground, Qrow and Winter continued fighting as Winter moves him back with her two swords. Winter uses a summon as birds flies through Qrow distracting him, but Qrow breaks through with a sword wave as Winter dodges it. Qrow's weapon was changing from a sword to something else by it's gear, but before he could, he stopped and put his weapon back. Qrow taunts Winter into coming for him as Winter rushes towards Qrow.
Winter Haaah!
As she was about to strike Qrow, the general stops Winter.
Ironwood: Schnee!
Winter turns around as she puts her weapon back.
Winter: General Ironwood, sir!
Ironwood: What in the world do you think you're doing?
Sonic: Hey, Ruby. Who's that girl behind him?
Ruby: That's Penny, one of my best friends. She's also a robot.
Sonic: What?! That's cool
Ruby: I know!
Winter: He started the altercation, sir.
Qrow: That's actually not true, she attacked first.
Ironwood: Is that true?
Ironwood looks around to see if any students were hurt.
Ironwood: And you.
Ironwood walks over to Qrow.
Ironwood: What are you doing here?
Qrow: I could be asking you the same thing.
Ironwood: I-
The headmaster of Beacon, Ozpin walks over here with her assistant, Goodwitch.
Ozpin: Now, now everyone. There is a sanctioned fight happening just around the corner at the Colosseum that I can assure you have better seats. And popcorn.
Goodwitch: Break it up, anyone! We will take care of this mess
Sonic: That must be the headmaster, Ozpin, right?
Ruby: Yeah.
Ironwood: Let's go.
Sonic: Wait!
They all turned around as they see a hedgehog in front of them.
Ironwood: Who are you?
Goodwitch: And what are you doing here in Beacon?
Sonic: Huh? Uhh...
Ozpin: You two calm down. He's safe with me.
Sonic: Phew.
Ozpin walks over to Sonic.
Ozpin: You must be Sonic, the one Ruby says about you.
Sonic: Yeah.
Ozpin: It's nice to meet you in person.
Sonic: Yeah same here.
They both shake hands.
Sonic: Hey, Ozpin.
Ozpin: Yes.
Sonic: You think it'll be fine if I and Tails join Team RWBY?
Ozpin: Sure, why not.
Sonic: Alright!
Ozpin: Where is Tails right now?
Sonic: He's with Yang and Blake.
Ozpin: Hmm. Say, why don't you compete in the the next match?
Sonic: Really?!
Ozpin: Yes. I wanna see what techniques you have.
Sonic: Sure. Thanks.
Sonic walks over to Penny.
Sonic: Hey there.
Penny: Huh?
Sonic: Name's Sonic. You must be Penny. I'm one of Ruby's best friends. It's nice to meet you.
Sonic sticks out his hand.
Penny: It's nice to meet you too.
They both shake hands as Sonic smiled at Penny, so did her.
Penny: Any good friend of Ruby is a friend of mine.
Sonic: Yeah.
Ironwood: Alright, that's enough. Let's go.
Sonic and Ruby waves back at Penny as she waves back.
Sonic: Ruby, Weiss. Me and Tails are able to join you guys.
Ruby: Really?! That's awesome!
Weiss: What?!
Ruby looks at Qrow as she jumps into him.
Ruby: Uncle Qrow! Ahh, it's so good to see you! Did you miss me? Did you miss me?!
Qrow: *Jokingly* Nope.
Ozpin: Qrow. A word, please.
Goodwitch uses her semblance to fix the floors and the buildings.
Qrow: I think I'm in trouble,
Ruby: You did kinda tear up our courtyard.
Qrow: Yeah, I did. Catch you later, kid.
Qrow walks off with Ozpin and Goodwitch.
Weiss: And suddenly your recklessness makes sense.
Ruby: You're just mad cause he whooped butt.
Weiss: That was a draw at best.
Sonic: He he.
Weiss: Shut up!
Weiss hits Sonic in the head.
Sonic: Oww!

In Ozpin's office:
Ironwood and Winter were waiting for the others to arrive as they all came from the elevator.
Winter: What were you thinking?!
Ironwood: If you were one of my men, I would have you shot.
Qrow: If I was one of your men, I'd shoot myself.
Goodwitch: While I wouldn't condone his behavior, retailing like you did certainly didn't help the situation.
Winter: He was drunk!
Goodwitch: He's always drunk.
They all looked at Qrow drinking.
Ozpin: *Sigh* Qrow, why are you here?
Ironwood: You've been out of contact for weeks! You can't just go dark like that in the field.
Qrow: I'm not one of your special operatives, Jimmy.
Winter: General.
Qrow: Whatever. You sent me to get intel on our enemy, and I'm telling you our enemy is here.
Ironwood: We know.
Qrow: *Irritated* Oh! Oh, you know. Well thank goodness I'm out there risking my life to keep you all informed!
Ironwood: *Sigh* Qrow!
Qrow: Communication's a two way street, pal. You see this? That's the send button.
Winter: They had reason to assume you'd been compromised.
Qrow: And I have reason to assume you don't need to be here. Seriously, who invited her?
Ironwood: Schnee, we'll discuss this incident back on my ship.
Winter: But, sir...!
Ironwood: Winter, leave.
Winter: Yes, sir.
Winter walks away and gets in the elevator as she was gone.
Ironwood: Go on.
Qrow: Your little infiltrator isn't just another pawn. They're the one responsible for Autumn's condition.
Goodwitch: What?!
Qrow: Despite what the world thinks, we're not just teachers or generals or headmasters. The people in this room, the leaders of the other two academies, we're the ones that keep the world safe from the evils no one even knows about. It's why we meet behind closed doors, why we work in the shadows. So you tell me James, when you decided you brought your army to Vale, did you think you were being discreet or did you just not give a damn?
Ironwood: Discreet wasn't working. I'm here because this is what was necessary.
Qrow: You're here because Ozpin wanted you here! He made you a part of this inner circle and opened our eyes to the real fight that's in front of us.
Ironwood: And I am grateful.
Qrow: Oh well, you've got a real funny way of showing it.
Ironwood: The people of Vale needed someone to protect them, someone who would act. When they look to the sky and see my fleet, they feel safe, and our enemies will feel our strength.
Qrow then laughs to what Ironwood said.
Qrow: You-you think they're scared of your little ships? I've been out there and I've seen the things she's made and let me tell you... they are fear.
Ozpin: And fear will bring the Grimm. A guardian is a symbol of comfort. But an army is a symbol of conflict. There's an energy in the air now, a question in the back of everyone's minds: If this is the size of our defenses, what is it we're expecting to fight?
Ironwood: So then, what would you suggest we do?
Ozpin: I suggest we find our guardian.

In Cinders room:
Cinder: And you're sure?
Mercury: Bad hair, used a scythe, and smelled like my dad after a long day. It was him.
Emerald: What do we do?
Cinder: Nothing. We stay on course. They have no idea who we are, so we have no reason to worry. Besides, the last of the heavy lifting is being taken care of thanks to our clever little friend. Ahh, speaking of which, it appears we have a new access point.
Emerald: Anywhere good?
Cinder: You could say that. Go to your rooms. I'll prepare everything for tomorrow.
Emerald: Yes mam.
Mercury: Got it.
Mercury and Emerald leaves the room as Cinder was changing who will be fighting for the doubles round.
Cinder: Let's give the crowd a good fight.
In the Colosseum:
Port: The randomization process is complete! Ladies and gentlemen, your doubles tournament line up!
Sonic, Ruby, Yang: Woooooo!
Tails: He he.
Nora: Yeah!
Neptune: Wooohoooo!
The audience cheers as the next battle was going to start.


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