New Challengers

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In the Vytal tournament:

The battle begins as Team JNPR clash with the other three. One was in the forest with a sniper.
Brawnz uses his claws to attack Pyrrha, but she dodges it and hits Brawnz with the shield. Nora goes after Nolan and goes to hit him with the hammer but he dodged it. May gets on top of a tree and snipes at Ren, but he dodges it. As Jaune was fighting Brawnz, he sees May in the tree sniping.
Jaune: Retreat!
Team JNPR runs off to the mountain and hide in the rocks.
Pyrrha: What do we do?
The three were coming for Team JNPR.
Jaune: Spread out! Try to keep moving!
Everyone spread out as Jaune was taking on Brawnz. May gets on another tree and sees Ren by himself. Nolan goes next to Ren as May snipes him, but Ren dodges it. As he dodged it, Nolan hits Ren with the cattle prod. Ren gets dizzy as Nolan hits him again and shocks him with his semblance.
Nora: Ren!
Nora goes to hit Nolan, but he dodges it and hits Nora with his cattle prod as it shocks Nora, but it didn't effect her.
Nora: He he he!
Tails: Whoa! Did you see that?!
Sonic: Yeah. Nora's not taking damage from the shock!
Port: Oho, looks like one of my favorite students, Nora Valkyrie is charging up to use her semblance!
Nolan: What?
Oobleck: Yes, Miss Valkyrie's semblance lets her produce, as well as channel, electrical energy this allows her to jump explosively into the air, wield her mighty hammer, or in this case, absorb Nolan's attacks and send the young man flying,
Sonic: What?!
Yang: Yeah, that's cool, isn't it?!
Nora's power gets energy from electricity as she swings her hammer at Nolan, sending him to a rock. Jaune looks in the mountains as thunder was at the top.
Jaune: Nora! Get to the mountain!
Nora: You got it!
Jaune: Ren, try and distract the sniper!
Ren: *Being sarcastic* Sure, why not?
Nora jumps to the mountain.
Roy throws his saws to Jaune, but he blocks it with his shield. Roy then goes for Pyrrha and Pyrrha blocks his attacks.
Ruby: Yeah, go get em Jaune!
Weiss: Well, he's certainly improved.
Yang: Yeah, but he ain't got nothing on Pyrrha.
Pyrrha was fighting Brawnz and Roy and kicks Brawnz in the face as she dodged Roy's attacks.
May goes for Ren, but he dodges the sniper shots. Ren jumps over the saws and goes under Pyrrha and changed his weapon to dual shots attacking Nolan.
Nolan dodges the attack, but Ren grabs Nolan and he couldn't move as Ren was pointing at May. May then goes for Nora as she was climbing up the mountain.
Ren: Nora!
Jaune was fighting Brawnz as he sees May about to snipe Nora.
Jaune: Pyrrha, up!
Pyrrha runs over to Jaune as she dodges the saws and goes under Roy. Pyrrha jumps over Brawnz and jumps on Jaune's shield as she was in the air and blocked the shot. Nora got to the top and thunder hits Nora as energy was flowing through Nora. Nora changes her hammer into a grenade launcher, launching five grenades to May as a big explosion happened.
Sonic: Wow!
Tails: What power!
May barely dodges it as she jumps to the floor.
The three were distracted as Nora was coming from the sky with her hammer. Nora slams the hammer into the ground as a big blast hits them.
Jaune: This is it, guys! Let's finish em with team attacks! Ren, Nora, Flower Power!
Nora: Wait... what?
Jaune: F-Flower Power. That's your team attack name.
Ren: Since when?
Jaune: Guys, we went over this! Flower Power is Ren and Nora. Ren brings the flower, Nora brings the power.
Ren: How do I bring a flower?
Nora: No, silly! Not a flower! Flour! Like in baking!
Ren: Why would I bring that?
Jaune: I, uh, no, it's your symbol!
Pyrrha: So... What are we?
Jaune: Pyrrha!
Pyrrha: Sorry! I just wanna make sure it's clearly defined.
Jaune: Pyrrha, you and I are Arkos. It's the thing, where we take our shields, remember?
Pyrrha: Arkos?
Jaune: Yeah. It's our names put together.
Pyrrha: Right... no, I get it.
Jaune: What, do you not like it?
Pyrrha: No, no, it's... good.
Nora: Mmm, I sensed hesitation!
Brawnz: Hey!
Team JNPR: Huh?
Brawnz: What do you think your doing?!
Jaune: Trying to have a team meeting, thank you very little.
Nora: Yeah! Team ears only!
Brawnz: We're in the middle of a fight!
Jaune: And we're in the middle of a conversation! What don't you get about that?!
Pyrrha: Um, Jaune?
Jaune: Yes, Pyrrha?
Pyrrha: I think he means that we're all in the middle of a fight?
Jaune: Nora, just... hit them with the hammer.
Nora: Got it!
Brawnz: Wait... what?!
Nora jumps in the air and gets next to them. Nora swings her hammer at all of them as they were sent out of bounds.
Sonic: All right!
Tails: They did it!
Port: And with that, it appears Team JNPR wins by knockout. Literally. Can someone go make sure they're okay?
In Crow Bar:
A man was drunk drinking as he watched the fight on TV.
Bartender: Huh. Those kids weren't half bad.
Man: Meh.
In the tournament:
Oobleck: Ah, well, Vacuo fans are sure to be hurting after that one, but the next round will have them on the edge of their seats.
Port: Team NDGO of Shade is certainly a crowd favorite. But these lovely ladies are going against some of the toughest, testosterone filled, teammates we've seen so far. I'm of course talking about Team SSSN! Sun Wukong and his team are certainly a force to be reckoned with. And although he'll be representing the Mistral academy of Haven, I'm sure his friends and family back in Vacuo will be cheering him along.
Sonic: Team SSSN, huh?
Ruby: Yeah. We only know two of them.
Tails: I see.
Blake: That one is Sun with the yellow hair.
Weiss: And that is Neptune with the blue hair.
Sonic: So I guess Sun's a Faunus with the tail, right?
Blake: Yeah.
Sonic: Oooo! I'm so excited!
Ruby: I know, right?!
Yang: He he! Typical.
Tails: Indeed.
Weiss: Good luck, Neptune!
Neptune: Ladies.
Weiss: Break his stupid face, NDGO!
Sonic: Wow, I never thought you be that mad just because he said ladies.
Weiss then hammers Sonic's head.
Sonic: Oww!
Ruby: He he!
Neptune: Alright girls, try to remember. Hands... above the waist.
Sun: Ignore him, for he... yeah, he's dumb.
Neptune winks at the ladies as they all didn't look at him. The map changes for each side as the right side was the sand.
Nebula: Alright, home field advantage!
Sun: Don't get too cocky, that's my turf too.
Scarlet: I hope I don't get sand in my shoes.
Neptune: Be cool, man.
That map changes as the left side was the ocean.
Gwen: Hey, the ocean!
Neptune: Huh...? Ahhhh...
Ruby: Uh... what's wrong with Neptune?
Blake: Oh no... Neptune's... afraid of the water. Sonic: Huh?! (He's just like me!)
Yang: Wow.
Tails: Sonic, you need to know how to swim.
Sonic: Come on, Tails!
Tails: He he! Sorry.
Oobleck: Three, two, one, begin!
The battle starts as Neptune runs to the enemies side up the mountain.

Sage: Neptune! What are you doing?!
Neptune: Oh, you know, just, uh, getting to higher ground.
Sun: On the enemy's side?!
Neptune: They would never expect it!
Dew: He's not wrong.
Nebula: Open fire!
Team NDGO goes into the sand as their advantage.
Sun, Scarlet, and Sage followed them as start fighting. Octavia goes behind the rock and pops out to attack Scarlet, but their weapons clashed. Octavia slides around the sand as Dew was fighting Sage. Sage and Dew's weapon clashed together. Dew's spear started to make sand tornado as Sage couldn't see. Sage got sucked up from the tornado and was sent out of bounds.
Sage: Whaaaaa!
Oobleck: And NDGO gains the advantage.
Octavia's dagger did a wave of attacks as sand was covering Sun and Scarlet. Sun runs off
Sun: Neptune!
Neptune falls from the mountain as Octavia uses another wave blinding Neptune, but he had goggles which protects him and shoots at Octavia. Octavia deflects it as Sun came from the sky like a sun kicking Octavia. Sun gets his staff and hits Octavia multiple times and finished her off by hitting her in the gut as one of their teammates was out.
Port: Oh! And we're down to 3 on 3!
Dew uses her spear making a tornado throwing Scarlet to the water area. Scarlet flies through the sky and uses his cutlass to get on top of the ship. Nebula shoots with her crossbow as it ticks inside the ship and jumps up to Scarlet. Nebula's crossbow changed into a sword.
Scarlet: En garde.
Scarlet and Nebula's weapons clash again and again when Nebula had a advantage against Scarlet. Scarlet touches her sword and moves it out and tries to lose her balance, but she dodged it. As she landed, she lost balance as Scarlet pushes her to the sand. Scarlet sees Gwen as he uses his grappling hook sending her on top of the ship and getting Scarlet to the bottom. Scarlet looks up as Gwen stays up her skirt. Knives with different dust starts to fall down on Scarlet as he barely dodged them.
Dew goes into the ocean side as Sun sees a coconut tree. Sun grabs the coconuts and throws is at Dew. Dew deflects it back as one hit Scarlet in the face and the other hitting him in the nuts as he was out.
Sonic: Oooo, that's gotta hurt.
Sun: Nuts.
Dew sends out blue tornadoes as Sun dodges them.
Sun: Uh, Neptune?! Could use some help buddy!
Neptune: Uh, ya know, it would probably be better if you came over here! Yeah. I can guard this... sector. We're in lockdown mode!
Sun: What are you talking about?! There's nothing to lock down!
Neptune: Lockdown! Right! You got it!
Nebula uses her crossbow as she saves Gwen from the grappling hook. They both went to the ocean
Sun: Dude, I know you're afraid of water, but you gotta-
Dew was about to hit Sun, but Neptune shoots her to her friends.
Neptune: There, I helped! Are you happy now?! Also, I am not afraid of water and I have no idea what you are talking about!
Sun: *Frustrated* NEPTUNE!!!
Neptune: Okay, fine! Just get out of the water!
Sun gets out of the water as Neptune tiptoes to the water and uses his Trident with electricity to the water as it shocks all three of them and the match was over.
Port: And with that, Team SSSN moves on to the doubles round! You know what I'd called that victory?
Oobleck: Shocking?
Port: No. Well earned. What you said is stupid.
In Crow Bar:
Bartender: *Whistles* Now that was a match!
Man: Pbbt! That was a mess.
Bartender: Come on, man. You didn't like them, the Vale kids, or any of the rounds before that? What fight are you here for?
The man sees a ship flying to Beacon.
Man: That one.
The man finishes his drink as he was drunk.
Man: Whoa. Happy Vytal Festival.
The man gives him the money and walks off.
In the tournament:
Ruby: Uuuugh, that was so close.
Sonic: It was a good match.
Tails: Yeah.
Yang: Looks like the dorks made it to the next round!
Blake looks at Sun and Neptune dancing.
Sun looks back at Blake and winks at her as she blushes.
Blake: Emphasis on dork.
Oobleck: That concludes the matches for the day. Please leave the Colosseum IN A CALM SND ORDERLY FASHION!
Yang: Come on, let's go congratulate em.
Sonic: I do wish I was there fighting.
Ruby: Why not ask Ozbin and ask to be in our team.
Sonic: Not a bad idea, Ruby. Thanks.
Ruby: He he. Your welcome.
As they were walking a ship was flying over the Colosseum as Weiss stopped while Yang, Blake, and Tails go off.
Ruby: Hugghh, uhhh... What... are you doing?
Sonic: What's going on?
Weiss: She's here.
Sonic: Huh? Who's here are you...
Sonic then looks at what Weiss was looking at as the ship was going to Beacon.


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