Im done

4.7K 47 27

Okay I have to be real. I've lost my motivation for this fan fiction. I'll be honest I don't even like Aidan Gallagher anymore and definitely disagree with most things he's said. I do still love The Umbrella Academy and will cherish my comics forever haha. Writing this has become more like homework than something I can do for fun. That's why I'm discontinuing the book. This is greatly disappointing I understand I do. When I'm getting into a good fic and the author goes AWOL it's so sad (Alexa play despacito) 🥺. It sucks I know. But this story has had a great run!!! 55.5K reads!!! I was so shocked when I got over 10K imagine my face at 55 🤭😵!! I want to thank all of you for reading, voting and supporting me through my writing process.

I am ,however, moving onto better projects. Please let me know how you would feel about seeing:
•Ban x reader (Seven Deadly Sins)
•Haru x reader (Fugou Keiji Balance Unlimited)
•Kageyama x reader (Haikyu!)
•Tsukishima x reader (Haikyu!)

So that's it from me! REMEMBER!! Wash your hands and stay inside! Coronavirus is scary 😨
I wanna see my friends already 🥺 let me know what you think of the new stuff I'm writing 🥳I love you all. Thankyou~Luna

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