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Oh my shit. My eyes widen and my breathing becomes hitched. Five looks at me, definitely confused and stands up to try and steady me. He takes his hands and puts them on either side of me, firmly holding my shoulders.
"Hey, breathe. It's okay everything is going to be fine. We just need to focus." He says soothingly. I look into his dark green eyes and take a deep breath. I need to stay calm. Five pulls me into his embrace and I clutch onto him.

"I don't want to lose you again. Those years without you were a nightmare. I was all alone Five. 17 years. How-" "Shh it's okay." Five whispered into my ear as he stroked my hair softly. I took another breath and let go of Five. I wanted to stay in his arms forever, but (for obvious reasons) time is of the essence.

He took a step back and ran a hand through his messy raven hair.
"Okay. I'll come to the future with you. But how will we get there? I don't have time travelling powers." I ask. He takes my hand in his. His hand is slightly sweaty, he's probably nervous.
"Like this." He clenches his free fist and squeezes my hand. I see a slight blue mist emitting from Five. I can feel his energy flow through my body. Like a full zen feeling. I close my eyes for a split second to focus yet I'm thrown off by an electrocuting sound. I jolt upwards to look toward the sound, which is coming from a swirling blue vortex, similar to when Five travelled back here. I look at Five, who is concentrating so hard I can see a bead of sweat forming on his forehead. He finally opens his eyes and smiles. "It worked!" He exclaimed. He didn't hesitate to jump forward into the temporal anomaly, dragging me with him.

The energy was bouncing off of  everything it seemed like. I started pushing my way through the chaos. I screeched as the blue mist started to burn my skin slightly. I was so confused. Where were we even going? Or should I say when? My grip of Five's hand tightened as I started to get scared. Suddenly, I felt a force push me backwards, back to Five's room.
"NOOO!!!!" Five screams. He tries to push on but the force is too strong and ,unfortunately, he is too weak. I've been pulled away from Five in this mental mess and we've lost our grip on each other. Yet we end up in the same place.

24th March 2019.
We've gone nowhere.

"Dammit!" Five exclaims. I whine as I fall onto my butt. Five rushes to my side and helps me up. Still a gentleman.

"I'm so sorry! I'm so so so sorry
Y/N! I didn't mean for this to happen! Shit." Five apologises. I'm in confusion. Why is he sorry? I stumble back up, yet I'm shorter than normal.
"Five it's fine. We'll try again later I guess." I reply to him. He raises an eyebrow at me.
"Y/N, do you feel-. I- Ugh oh god." He grabs my wrist and drags me to the bathroom. What the hell?!
"Five what's going? What are you doing?" He shoves me forward the mirror and stands back. He bites his lip nervously. I scoff and finally look at the mirror.

Holy shit.

"I'M 13!" I scream.
"Y/N I'm so sorry I didn't know this was going to happen if I could-"
"A hot teenager might I add." He compliments. I'm not in the mood. Honestly I'm furious. I pull at my hair, I feel my smooth skin, I look at my foetus body. Holy shit.
"Yeah well now you know how I feel." Five remarks. I turn around and point at him.
"Don't you dare be cocky with me mister. Change me back!" I demand. He holds his breath and gives me a guilty look. I gasp.
"I don't have the equations right yet! I didn't even know this was gonna happen! I don't even know how to change myself back!" So many excuses. I put my hand up as a signal for him to stop. He does, thankfully.

"Whatever. We don't have time. We've got a world to save. You've got a lot of explaining to do." I try and collect myself. Godammit.
"Guys lets go. We're gonna start the funeral. And bring an umbrella it's raining." Allison yelled. Umbrella huh? That's ironic.

Hey guys! Chapter six here. Hope you enjoyed! Lemme know what you think in the comments! Always open to constructive criticism and opinions. Also I was thinking after I finish this book I'd create a request book where you guys send in requests. Would you like that? Lemme know what you think! Thanks for reading! ~Luna <3

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