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1) Name: Kirah Alicia Terry

Nickname: Ki, Kia - only called this by Rose, Kiya - only called this by her twin, Fishy, Ki Fish, Alicia, Kiki

Age: 12

Date Of Birth: 22nd August 2001

Looks: long straight black hair that goes down to her elbows. She has dark eyes, with a hint of sea blue. When she's angry, she radiates ice cold temperature and the tips of her hair turns sky blue. On the rare occasion when her and her twin both get angry, their eyes go blood red and water pipes burst/explode and the temperature goes below -20.

Personality: nice, caring, short-tempered, annoying, kinda crazy, likes to freak out people, musical, takes everything quite easily, cold, hard, very overprotective

Blessed by Apollo and possibly "cursed" by Ares

2) Twin Sister: Grace Artemisia Terry.

Nickname: Gracie - only called this by Rose and Kirah, Gigi

Personality: Nice, kind, easily forgiving, polite, sweet, calm, serious. Hates being called the youngest (even thought she is), hates Kirah calling her 'Lil Gracie', sometimes sensitive. Scarred for life.

Looks:  long, curly black hair that goes down to her elbows and dark eyes with a hint of sea green, if you look closely. Her right eye starts twitching when she's trying to control anger. When she gets upset, her eyes turn sea green. When she gets angry, her eyes go blood red and water all around boils up, but she rarely gets angry.


Mother: Lucy Terry. Age 35. An alcoholic, abusive, uncaring.

Father: Poseidon

Stepfather: Andrew Momosumo.
Nickname: Sumo, Sumo-Face, Fat-Ass. Age 39. A gambler, heartless smoker

Stepsiblings: Michael Momosumo. Age 19. Heavy smoker, 'a-two-faced-little-freak'. Jasper Momosumo. Age 21. Loving, kind, forgiving but can be really nasty. Hannah Momosumo. Age 21. Younger twin sister of Jasper. Nice, kind, forgiving, protective.

Deceased Family: older full blooded sister Rose Terry. 12 years old when she was killed, saving her sisters. When she was 8 years old, Kirah saw Rose get stabbed to death. This made Kirah a cold and hard person and very overprotective of her little sister. Kirah fakes being happy, silly, cheerful and funny - its "a good way to hide the pain".

3) Name: Valerie Alison

Nicknames: Val, Airhead

Age: 13

Data Of Birth: 21st January 2001

Looks: long dark hair in layers, with electric blue eyes. She also has some tattoo type mark on her left forearm. She was bor n with it and her twin Ashley also has it in the exact same place. When Valerie's angry, lightning sparks in her eyes and her tattoo lights up in electric blue, lighter than her eyes. When she's sad, her eyes go a few shades darker of electric blue and her tattoo lights up in dark dark blue.

Family: Mother: Tracie Alison. Age 32. Nice, understanding, loving, caring, forgiving. She disappeared suddenly one nights hiking off to who knows where, but away from her kids, as Here's voice entered her head and told her and proved to her than her kids would be in danger with her around and safe with her gone. Hera knew that the Alison kids' lives would be miserable and she enjoyed every bit of it.

Father: Zeus

Stepfather: Barry Wheener. Age 36. Fat, always short-tempered, lazy, abusive.

Stepsisters: Jasmine Wheener. Age 19. Lazy, stupid, irritating, gets Adrian to do all her work otherwise she threatens him. Beautiful, bug in the negative way. Rude, snobby. Mary Wheener. Age 10. Can be nice, kinda rude, bossy, quiet, annoying in a positive way, curious.

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