0.2 - Break. Teenage Dreams

Start from the beginning

- It's... - I hesitate, - Promise to be honest, ok?

- It's like I would try to lie to you. Just say it, and we'll see!

- Promise!

- Ok, I promise, - he agrees, - Come on, Alice, what's on your mind?

I breathe in and breathe out. This question is important. It's been torturing me these two weeks.

- At the Knockouts... Why did you pick me?

Mika rolls his eyes.

- That was your question? I thought it all was over. You've got potential and there's no other way to realise it, right?

- Yeah, I know, - I sigh and try again, - But Janine had much more potential than I, we can't deny it. Still, you preferred a troubled amateur instead of a skilled professional.

Mika frowns. I think he's offended.

- What, you doubt my choices now? - he replies.

- No, I didn't mean that, I'm sorry, - I reply, raising hands defensively, - I know you have it all planned. If it was a part of your strategy, just help me understand it.

Mika sighs. I catch a blink of that "tired, wrecked with hard choice" expression on his face. Like he has replayed that moment in his mind.

- Ok. You want the truth? - he asks, raising his eyebrow, - I'll tell you. It may sound harsh.

- I'm ready. Go ahead.

- I wasn't planning to choose you, - he says, rattling it out, as if to get over with it quickly, - I can't say I was disappointed on your rehearsals, but for sure I expected a lot more. You weren't ready for the show, were you? It was more a burden for you than an opportunity, it was written on your face. So I did what I thought would be best, I put you with Gas and Janine, so I could harmlessly eliminate you.

That's what I worried about. I slow down and look at my feet, not quite sure how to react to it.

- Hey, hey, I'm sorry. I really tried to do best for everyone. Perhaps I've misread your lack of confidence. But I've changed my mind, ok, - Mika says, and I feel his reaffirming hand on my back, - You want to know why I picked you in spite of everything?

I look up at him. He hides a smile, and his eyes sparkle like he's a kid who just got a new toy.

- Yes, - I reply.

- It was your performance that made me change my mind, - he continues, and we continue walking, - I was really worried when I first saw you, 'cause you seemed to be in panic.

- I couldn't avoid it, - I mumble, - With Gas and Janine singing before me.

- Yep, must be tough, I know. So, that's what I saw: a second before your performance you're freaked out, unprepared, but when the music starts, you're suddenly concentrated and relaxed. It's, like, click! - he demonstrates it with an appropriate gesture, - And there's a different person on the stage. That's what Gaspard - you remember him - does too, and, well, that's what kept me going since the beginning of my career. This ability is quite hard to develop, and you seem to have it naturally. So I wanted to work with you, at least, some more.

- Oh, that's what it was, - I nod, but Mika is not finished:

- And then, you, Wonder-Alice, then you worked a miracle. You transported me to another world, and you know me, I don't say it very often. So, when your song was over, I just knew I had to keep you in my team. That choice was really hard, but I don't regret anything.

He looks back at me and grins:

- Satisfied?

- Yeah, - I sigh, - Thank you... For trusting me.

- That's the least I can do, - he shrugs, and pats my shoulder again, as if finishing a conversation, - You hungry? I am. Let's find a warm place to stay.


- Can you play your ukulele? - Mika asks, pointing at my little guitar. We sit in one of my favourite cafes. I knew it wouldn't be classy enough for Mika, but I insisted on going here, cause it's very cozy. And he didn't complain, at least, for now.
- Nah. It's broken, - I reply.
- What's wrong with it?

- One string fangirled and snapped in excitement as soon as you appeared.

- Really? Give it to me, - he stands up, walks behind a chair next to me, where my backpack is, and opens it before I can react, - Thank you.

He takes a quick glance at it, and in a freaking minute fixes it somehow, leaving me with eyes widened.

- Thank you, but... What the hell was that? - I ask, when he gives the fully working instrument back, and he replies, shrugging:

- I just gave it some love and attention, and she got together just fine. So, Alice, play something.

I look around.

- There's people here, - I hiss.

- So what?

- They will be looking at us.

- Wasn't it the reason you took ukulele in the first place?

Can't disagree.

- If something happens, I throw you the ukulele and point at you, - I say. He laughs:

- Deal.

I start playing some chords, and gladly see his face lighten up, when he recognizes the song:

- Elephant Gun! - he exclaims cheerfully, - Beirut! I love this song!

Of course he does. It was him who introduced me - and his other soundcloud followers - to this band.

- Go on, - he asks, and I start singing:
If I was young I'd flee this town,
I'd burn my dreams underground...
Mika sings along with spoons as accompaniment. People turn their heads, recognize Penniman and soon we're surrounded with a small audience. They seem to enjoy it, and when the song is over, they ask for some more. So, we play Grace Kelly, then Boum Boum Boum, then Relax.

We're still get kicked out in the end, but some people follow us to take pictures with Mika. I step back and, as it turns out later, do a right thing to stay away from cameras.


- You know what's really strange about you? - Mika says when we hop on a bus, - The more I hear you singing, the more I realise how disastrous you are. But at the same time, I understand how much potential you've got. And I'm confused.

- I told you I'm trouble, - I repeat, for the hundredth time.

- Not as much as you think, though. You just need a little more time to practice.

- A lot more, you meant to say.

- Ok, maybe. But you know me. I like getting my hands dirty. And I'm not giving up on you because you're too hard to teach!

I hear that the next stop is the one I need, so I get up from my seat and walk towards the doors.

- It was really nice to meet you, - I say, - I couldn't even dream about a day like this. Thank you.

- Thank you, - Mika stands up too, - I had a really good time. You're already leaving?

- Yeah, - I sigh, as the bus slows down, - Here's my stop.

If he says just one more word, I'll probably stay. But I know he needs to get back to his work.

- See you later, - I say and turn away. A second before I step out of the bus, I hear him calling:

- Alice?

I turn around.

- Can I, in return, take you to one more place? - Mika asks, and before I say anything, takes a quick glance at the map on the wall and adds, - That place is only two stops from here.

It's like I could ever say No to him.

- You know the answer, - I get back to my seat, and the doors close behind me, - What is the place?

- Studio. I want to show you something.

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