I sigh heavily to myself. I know I'm not usually like this, but it's so damn hard to control my instincts when it comes to Louis. My beautiful omega.

"I know Li, I know. I just can't help it when it comes to him."  I mumble, feeling guilty for snapping at him.

"Again, that's because you two haven't quite figured out what's between you guys." He sing-songs, passing me another beer.

I frown at him.

"Well enlighten me. What am I missing?" I ask sarcastically. He wiggles his eyebrows.

"Not my place to tell." He waves his hand in the air dismissively. "You guys will figure it out soon enough."

"I hope so." I whisper.


Louis' POV:

I stare at the ceiling fan as it continues to swirl around. My thoughts a jumbled mess.

I really want to go downstairs and just cuddle the alpha. But I have to remember, what happened is not a healthy relationship to have. If I do forgive him, he has to know I won't stand for it again.

Sighing heavily to myself, I pull the duvet over my head, trying to keep my tears of frustration at bay.

A knock on the door breaks me out of my trance. Niall cautiously pokes his head through the door and lets out a sigh.

"Can I come in?" He asks softly. "I've brought some tea." He tries to persuade me, making me smile a little. Though I'm pretty sure it comes out as more of a grimace.

"Sure." I murmur quietly, he lets out a little sigh but comes in, shutting the door quietly behind him. He sets the tray down on my bedside table and hands me my cup of tea, before settling himself down next to me.

"Do you want to talk about it?" He asks unsurely, taking a tentative sip from his own mug. I let out another sigh.

"I don't know what to do Ni." I say softly. "I want to forgive him, but I don't know if I can."

"Can I ask you something?" He asks, looking at me with a certain gleam in his eye. I shrug.

"What is your heart telling you?"

I look up at him in shock, slightly startled by the question. He sends me a reassuring smile.

"Honestly?" I let out a sarcastic laugh. "My heart is telling me I love him and I should forgive him. He was trying to protect me after all." I wipe away a few stray tears. "But think logically Niall! What he did wasn't okay! He knows he could have approached it a better way!" I huff in frustration.

"Then tell him that." He says softly, patting my leg.

"How is that suppose to help?" I sniffle.

"Because you can give him a second chance then." He shrugs his shoulders, like its no big deal. This causes anger to bubble in the pit of my stomach.

"Oh and me getting my heartbroken, possibly for the second time might I add, doesn't matter does it?" I shout, tears of frustration burning my eyes. Niall realises his mistake and holds his hands up in defence.

"Lou that's not what I meant." He says quickly. "I'm sorry that came out wrong." He says frowning.

I just shake my head at him.

"Please just stop." I say tearfully. "God, why am I being so emotional." I sniffle, letting out a humourless laugh.

"Because that happens when you love someone." He says softly, taking my hand, and squeezing gently. "Think about it Lou. I know I'm repeating myself, but what is your heart saying?" I look up at him tearfully.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 04, 2020 ⏰

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