friendship {2}

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Jax didn't have enough time to react before he was hit with the rubbery, water bomb. He squealed as Mia giggled, their parents laughing in the distance. You could smell the barbecue in the air, even at the back of the huge garden where the kids were having a water fight.

"TICKLE ATTACK!!" Shouted Jaxon as he pushed Mia to the ground and started tickling her. She was gasping for air and had the hugest smile on her face. Jaxon eventually stopped after his mother shouted "Jax! Let her breathe!". He sat on the ground next to Mia as she caught her breath.

Anddd...there goes the bell! Finally I, and many others, can get out of this fucking hell hole.

Mia got up from her chair, picking up her bag from the floor and stuffing her pens and books in. Lila, Mia's friend who sat next to her, tied her silky, blonde hair in a ponytail- not forgetting to put strands of hair at the front to compliment the look. She let out a huff and started to put her things away, Mia slung her bag over her shoulder waiting for Lila. Mia looked around at the almost empty classroom, only a few people left -not including the teacher. Her eyes landed on the door and she saw Hugo waiting outside for them, she smiled and waved at him. He waved back with a goofy grin, he looked to his side to let Rosa know that they were coming out soon.

"Right," Lila put her back-pack on and started to walk to the door, "c'mon lets go."

They walked to the door, Lila pushed open the door and held it open for Mia but, not before jokingly shutting it on her. Mia shoved her into the wall using her shoulder and then speed walked to Hugo. When she reached them she got hit on the back of the head by Lila.

"Ready to go?" Asked Rosa, typing away on her phone and not looking up. They all nodded or hummed in agreement.

They walked down the almost empty halls, making their way outside. They walked out the back entrance and took a left, walking down the familiar alleyway.

"One day we are gonna get fucking mugged walking down here..." mumbled Hugo, Lila chuckled and Rosa held a smile.

"Or kidnapped by a nonce or something." Mia added, nodding her head as they all had a little laugh.

After 5 minutes of banter and walking through the long alleyway, they finally were out of the small space and onto a main road.

"Right," Lila announced, "ill be heading off then."

Lila turned left and started walking to a crossing. She held onto her bag tightly and waited for the cars to stop. "Please be safe, yeah?" Spoke Hugo. Hugo and the others worried about her since she lived in a rough part of the city, a lot of shit went down there.

Of course she wasn't the only one in the group to live in a dangerous part of the city- she just.
To put it bluntly she's defenseless, even though we have taught her basic ways to defend herself. She still is very vulnerable and we all worry.

"Love youuuu" Mia shouted, waving and turning right to walk away with the rest of the group. They all kept walking down the long road until they got near the end, this was Rosa's stop. We smiled and said our goodbyes before carrying on. After walking for another 10 minutes, Mia said goodbye to Hugo and started to walk down her road.

She lived on a beautiful road, it was very nice and well kept place with incredible houses. Once nearing her house, she unlocked the door and walked in (making sure to wipe her shoes on the door mat first).

She chucked her bag against the wall behind the door and kicked of her shoes. While walking into the kitchen she saw her dad and his new 'friends' sitting down in the living room.

Her dad had many 'friends' that would come over, she'd never seen them again. Mia, being the smart 14 year old that she was, knew her dad was in a lot of dodgy business- she never questioned it. Mia did her own snooping around when they left and her dad was in the other room. Trying to find clues to what and who they might be, sometimes it worked- other times it didn't.

She grabbed an apple from the side, and walked up the stairs. Making sure to listen out in case she heard something important. She heard them talking about ABM. That caused her to remember the events that happened the night...well, day before. She tried to get rid of the memory but, she couldn't. It was him and he was alive.

She shut her door and laid on the bed looking upwards. She had to see him again, hold him...touch him. She didn't particularly fancy the boy- yet, she wouldn't mind spending her whole life with him.

She ran fingers through her straight, deep-dark, brown hair that came down just half way down her arms. She sighed before taking out her phone and messaging the group chat.

The rats 😩🙌

(loser = mia)
(dumbass = hugo)
(bafoon = lila)
(idiot = rosa)

loser: oi oi

bafoon: Hiiii

loser: you safe and well?

bafoon: Duh

idiot: whattup bitches

loser: hello dickhead :)

dumbass: I'm pretty sure your the dickhead

bafoon: Actually we all are x

idiot: but i thought we were bitches :,(

loser: aww don't worry your both!!

idiot: asshole

dumbass: Just shut up guys and help me with maths hw

idiot: oh i already did it

bafoon: Which maths teacher?

loser: alright lila we get it, you're in set 1

idiot: yeah we get itttt

dumbass: I don't careee which teacher just need you lot to help meeee

bafoon: Hang on i'll call you in a second

idiot: omg your not actually gonna help him

loser: livid that she would help him and not

idiot: you don't deserve help

dumbass: Brutal.

idiot: i'm boredddd

loser: who asked

Mia sighed, deciding that was enough texting. She didn't know what to do, so she did what any normal kid would do...she scrolled through tiktok until 2am before going to sit on her window to smoke. Hoping to see the boy that won't get out of her mind.



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