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Draco was ripping through his belongings, throwing things to the ground desperate. He needed one thing. A very important thing. His Diary. The Diary he has carried with him since he was a 9 year old infant. The book that has kept him sane throughout the years. The book that consisted of profound...Personals. He wanted it back, he NEEDED it back. The diary was given to him so he could express his words through emotion, not violence. And he couldn't replace it either, he wasn't sure if it was in someone else's hands. 

What if a bully had it? What if they read it ? What if they read it out aloud in the Great Hall during Breakfast? Draco was doomed and he knew it. His roommates Blaise Zabini and Theodore Nott watched as their friend ran around the room like a maniac, confusion written on their faces.

'Where is it? Where is it!?' Draco mumbled.

'Where is what?' Theodore asked what Blaise was thinking

'My Diary!?'

Nott handed Zabini a look which was wordlessly returned. Theodore nodded and Blaise turned to Draco. 'Draco' this caught Draco's attention almost immediately. 'Maybe it's time to...let go of it? You've had that before and when you started Hogwarts. Maybe you dropped it in a bin? You certainly didn't need it.' Draco gave Blaise 'the look'. The look given to you as a sign that you've messed up. 

Then it happened. Draco fell to his knees and broke down. He cried, he cried and cried but the tears just wouldn't stop. It wasn't a pretty sight, but it was depressing. Either way, he wouldn't stop crying.

The two boys looked at each other awkwardly waiting for a sign of reaction. Draco finally spoke up. 'That was the one thing that kept me sane all these years!I'm gonna go crazy without it!'

'Don't think like that!' Nott tried to soothe him 'Maybe this is a chance to try out a life without it!'

'How do you know I won't murder you right now?' Draco snapped. Theodore took a cautious step back. 'How do you know I won't go around snapping peoples necks!?'

'Draco stop it! You're being irrational!' Blaise shouted 'It was just a dumb, old book!'

Poor choice of words. Draco started to chew on his lip in frustration causing  it to bleed. 'That book was like a baby to me, i needed it for my sanity!'

'Draco, Stop it!'

'No! You stop it! Cause you obviously don't get it!'

'Fine!' Theodore stopped the two bickering 'We'll go to Hogsmead to find you a new diary!'

'You don't understand!' Draco strongly protested 'I NEED my old book!' 

'Why!? there are probably better quality books DYING to be written in! and you want to settle for a book that is basically past it's death date?! Draco, It's Gone! It's gone and you'll never see it again! So don't be such a prat and get over it!' After Blaise's rant, he was left breathless. Draco stared at Blaise as if he had eaten a sour lemon. He was disgusted by Blaise's words and his carelessness. Blaise sighed. 'I'm sorry Draco, i lost my temper...' If i do see your book, i'll be sure to tell you' 

Draco didn't answer this, he just left the room with the same expression marked on his face. Blaise felt awful.

His friends obviously didn't understand.
He wanted it back
He needed it back

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