Guy:what class do you have right now

Y/n:English with Ms. Smith

Guy:me to, walk with me then

Y/n:I kinda don't really have a choice but ok

Me and this guy were walking to the class. We finally made it to class. I was mentally preparing myself to get yelled at by the teacher for being late. Once we walked in everyone turned there heads towards us...well not really turned there heads, more like snapped there necks but whatever.

Teacher:well Derek and Y/n, why are you guys late

So his name is derek. I like it

Random girl:they were probably fucking

I just gave the girl a dirty glare before turning my attention back to ms. smith.

Y/n:does it matter why I was late. It's not like you guys even care. And if you do care it's only cause you get paided for us being here

The teacher just stood there in shock cause I dont talk back but today I was over it, I didnt care anymore

Teacher:you both have detention after school


I walked to the seat all the way in the back and put my head down. I woke up to someone tapping my shoulder. It was Derek


Derek: umm, the bell rung and you were sleeping so I decided to wake you up.

Y/n:well, thanks then

Derek:no problem, I'm derek

"I'm y/n" I said as I shook his hand

Derek and I both walked out class

Derek:what class do you have next

Y/n: I have ms. santiago

Derek:me too. Is it fine if I'm with you at lunch..I kinda don't know anyone cause im new

Y/n:yea sure. If you need help with anything then just ask me

Derek nodded in response

Y/n:can I see your schedule


He pulled his schedule out of his backpack and handed it to me

Y/n:thank you

Derek's Schedule

1st period-english with Ms. Smith

2nd period-history with Ms. Santiago

3rd period-Math with Mr. Larson


4th period-Sciene with Mr. James

5th period-Social Studies with Mr. Sandoval


6th period-Spanish with Mr. Gonzalez

7th period-P.E with Ms. Johnston

Y/n Schedule

1st period-english with Ms. Smith

2nd period-history with Ms. Santiago

3rd period-Math with Mr. Larson


4th period-Sciene with Mr. James

5th period-Social Studies with Mr. Sandoval


6th period-Biology with Ms. Sanchez

7th period-P.E with Ms. Johnston

Y/n:we have the same classes besides 6th period

Derek:that's cool

We finally made it to class, we took a seat and talked, laughed, and all that

Skip to nutrition

Me and derek walked out of class laughing because derek threw a paper ball and it hit some in the head

Derek:I hope they didnt read what it had on it

Y/n:you suck at throwing. How did you not make it to the trash

Derek:it slipped out of my hand

The laughing died down once I saw my friend Estella

Y/n:hi stella(nickname for Estella)


Derek just stood there awkwardly as me and stella ranted about random things

Y/n:derek this is my bestfriend Estella, estella this is my friend derek


Estella: .....hi

I realized she said it kinda rudely

Derek's POV

Estella: .....hi

Great, she doesn't like me. Ugh, what did I even do to her, whatever it's fine


Me, Derek, and Estella walked to where the rest of my friends are at

Y/n:derek this is Mike, that's Vallyk, that's Aaron, that's Jade, that's Rose, that's Marie. You guys, this is Derek



Everyone went back to there conversations

Derek:umm, why are you so kind to me

Y/n:because your now my friend

Derek:oh, okay

Y/n:derek, you know you can be yourself around me, I wont judge you

Derek:I know it just takes time for me to open up


Derek's Pov

Once y/n introduced me to everyone I realized that Marie was very pretty.

Mike:derek, come over here

I stood up and walked over to where mike and derek were at

Vallyk:so, where are you from

Me:I'm from New Jersey

Mike:what brings you to l.a

All I can remember is people bullied me from New Jersey and I didnt get along with people


I didnt want to tell them that cause I just met them. Y/n looked like she saw I was uncomfortable with there question so she called me over

Me:I better go y/n's calling me

Aaron:stop being a little bitch and tell us what brought you here

Vallyk:chill aaron

Aaron:no hes trying to steal my girl and I'm not with that

Mike:you guys arent even dating

Aaron:well ima make her mine

Me:good luck with that

Aaron:what the fuck did you just say

Me:did I stutter

Aaron had a mad face, it looked as if he wanted to kill me. Aaron got up and started charging at me. I moved out the way and punched him in the face multiple times before....

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