ii. first day part two

Start from the beginning

"I know."

Snapping her head to him, her eyes grew wide. "You what?"

"I put off telling you... but I know you already. I know that your universe had a show about my life. You've- You will tell me about your family-"

"Stop it," Charlotte snapped. "Just... Just stop it." If he knows a future version of her, that'd mean she doesn't go home yet and no part of her wanted to come to that realization. Taking in a deep, wavering sigh from the thought and looked back at him. "But that doesn't answer why you've been treating Donna differently to me."

He tilts his head. "What do you mean?"

"Well, you seem more concerned about her appearing in the TARDIS than me..."

"That's because I am," He responded, but seeing her blank expression he adds, "I'm used to having you appear in the TARDIS, because you have since my eighth regeneration..." His nose scrunches up as Charlotte's jaw falls to the floor. "Well, just that one time, but either way, you jump around my timeline... from one me, to the next, or back in my time."

Charlotte forgot how to breathe. All she'd like to do is go home, but instead, she's been thrown into Doctor Who for who knows how long. "How come I- I don't go farther back in your regenerations?" She wondered, why only the newer ones? It wasn't a complaint at all... Charlotte has yet to even finish the first season, as the wedding and work took up all her time.

He shrugged. "I think the energy inside you that takes you throughout my timeline just doesn't have enough to go far enough back. So, instead, it bounces back and forth through the same group of my regenerations."

Charlotte nods, it made a little bit of sense. "I get that..."

"Anyways I have a message from the future you," He announced with little to no excitement coming from her. "'Pay attention at 204.'"

"A number with a message?" She thought it was going to be something easy... Like not to trust someone, but this wasn't that, and she didn't want to juggle decoding it right now. "I don't get it."

"Well neither do I, do you still have that phone?"

"Yeah," she pulls the flip-phone from her dress pocket, holding it out to him. "It can't search, though."


Putting the phone back in her pocket, she looks over to a man standing only a few steps away from her holding a smartphone. "Do you mind if I borrow that?" She asked him. "I need to call a friend."

He gave her the phone without a question. "Yeah, sure."

Taking the phone from the stranger, she hands it over to the Doctor. "Here you go."

The Doctor slid on his glasses before he took the phone. Then, looking over his shoulder, Charlotte watched as he searched up HC Clements. Looking up from the phone, he inspected the room before pulling out the sonic screwdriver and used it to speed up the process of finding what he was looking for.

"Come on, take me home," the Singer sang on the front stage. "'Cause my body's tired of traveling and my heart don't wish to roam."

As many other results flashed across the screen, it stopped at one; 'Sole Prop. TORCHWOOD' it read. The Doctor closed the phone, handing it back to Charlotte, who hands it back to the stranger beside her. "Thank you," she said to him, who responded with a hum and began using it again.

"Well, you took me in, you stole my heart, I cannot roam no more," he continued to sing. "'Cause love it stays within you, it doesn't wash up on a shore. Then a fighting man forgets each cut, each knock, each bruise, each fall. But a fighting man cannot forget, why his love don't roam no more."

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