part seven: fortune favors you

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throughout the day, (name) subconsciously noticed akaashi's presence, and it wasn't until lunch that she actually spoke to him.

"may i watch your practice match?" she asked, after tugging on the back of his uniform. he turned and looked down at her with a blank face, the one that she had become accustomed to, and the one she liked to see.

"how did you know we had one?" he said back, and before answering, (name) noticed what group she was around. the volleyball club boys of course. bokuto and some other third years, along with a first year or two sprinkled in there. she smiled, as she really is a social butterfly.

"kuroo-kun told me last night."

"kuroo?!" bokuto shouted before akaashi could reply, immediately slinging an arm around (name) and effectively making her cheeks flush. "how is that old bastard? he never calls me anymore!"

"bokuto-san, do you miss your boyfriend?" she teased, making the boys around them all chuckle.

"yes! he's so preoccupied with that damn girlfriend. i always forget who that bi-oh shIT! sorry (last name)-san, i completely forgot!" bokuto was now freaking out, and the girl had to smile at his efforts to explain himself.

"it's alright, bo," she looked back at akaashi, "may i invite myself to the match?"

he frowned. "it's an unofficial game. it's really supposed to be private..." he heard bokuto scoff in irritation at his answer.

"if you don't want me to go, just say so..." (name) shrugged and began to walk away, when bokuto grasped her shoulder and shoved her back into akaashi's chest. both of them gasped, and akaashi thought that the contact felt like fire.

"bokuto-san!" akaashi said, nearly shoving the girl away from him, but she had already done that, standing with puffed out cheeks, as she usually did when she was embarrassed.

"akaashi! tell her she can go!" the boy said while putting a hand on his hip, and akaashi felt his mouth go dry. "right, then!" bokuto yelled, "let's leave these two alone, i think akaashi's getting embarrassed~" and then he led the boys away like the ringleader that he was, and the second years were left standing awkwardly in the grass.

"do you hate me?" she questioned with a cocked head, nose turned up as if she already knew what he was thinking. because she did. "really?" she deadpanned. "why do you sometimes hate me?" (name) stepped towards him, and this made her have to turn her head up even more to look at him properly.

her sharp eyes burned a hole through his own, and it was enough for akaashi to feel his heartbeat in the palms of his hands. "it's complicated..." she was making him weak by just looking at him.

fuck, this is going so wrong.

(name) smirked and blinked once at him. "complicated like how?"

akaashi needed to control himself because she was making him go all holyshiticantbreathe-

"don't do that thing." was all he managed to say.

"do what thing?" she said with furrowed brows.

"that thing where you look at me with that look on your face. and you and i both know that you already know what's going on." he paused. "you can read me like a book, (last name), i can't handle anybody knowing me that well." he bit his lip before talking again, feeling a certain warmth creep up his neck. "i suppose you can come to the match."

he looked at her and searched her face for any kind of signal for him to continue. but she only looked up at him with a small smile.

"then i'll go. see you, akaashi-san." she said and walked away from him, and the boy let his eyes linger for a little too long, hearing bokuto hoot in an attempt to embarrass him.

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