"I keep forgetting you're a villain," she murmured. "You're too nice."

"I am not nice." Radley retorted.

"Oh yeah?"

"Yeah! I- uh- when I'm mad at someone I cook food for them but burn it slightly so it tastes bad!"

They were silent for a moment before Radlynn suddenly cracked up laughing. She stopped walking just so she could calm down. Radley grinned under the coat. Radlynn grabbed his hand.

"God you're an idiot." She murmured as they began walking again.

They stopped outside a small two storey attached house. Radlynn stared up at the door. "...is this the place?" Radley asked. She nodded. She looked at him.

"Wait here." She said. Radley stared at her in surprised confusion. She walked up the steps and knocked on the door. She knocked on the door.

There was shuffling noises from inside and hurried footsteps. Radlynn could feel her stomach doing flips, her breath becoming shaky with nerves. She curled her hands into fists.

The door swung open, revealing a somewhat disheveled looking man. He wore a stained, wrinkled black t-shirt and ripped black jeans. His greasy, messy hair hung over one of his eyes and half of it was dyed blue. "R-" the first syllable barely managed to pass his lips. He almost fell into Radlynn, hugging her closely against him.

"Urk-!" His hug was almost strong enough to choke the breath out of her. Radlynn grinned.

"Radlynn..." Rainer murmured, his voice trembling. "Radlynn I-I-" she could tell he was tearing up by his voice. "I thought I'd- thought I'd lost you!"

"I  know I know-"

Her father pulled away, looking both frantic and scared but also as happy as the day she'd been born. He wiped at his eyes before asking "What happened?! Everyone else got home after the incident on the boat but they couldn't find you a-and-" He stared at her, mouth agape. "Where did you go...?" He asked, his voice barely a whisper. He sounded so scared and sad- Radlynn felt the guilt hit her all at once.

"It's- it's a long story..." She looked aside. "But I'm oka-"


The second, feminine voice made Radlynn look up. Rainer looked over his shoulder behind him. The voice's owner was a blonde woman with red streaks in her hair. Unlike her father, her mother had put on makeup this morning. She and Radlynn stared at each other for a few moments. Dahlia stepped forward.

"We were so worried I-I-" she began.

"I know." Radlynn replied softly. "But I'm okay, honestly." She smiled a bit.

"A-Are you sure-" Rainer asked. He looked at her worriedly. "We don't know where you've been, what if you're sick o-or-"

"Oh! Oh right-" Radlynn turned around and beckoned for Radley to come up the steps towards her. "Radley! Come say hi!"

Radley stared at Radlynn. Radlynn's parents stared at Radley. His outfit and height already gave away very well who he was but the name was just the confirmation her parents needed.

"Ra-Radlynn is- is that-" Rainer began.

"Are you okay?! What's he doing here...?" Dahlia asked in disbelief. Radlynn looked back at her parents.

"He's harmless, I promise," she looked at Radley, frozen at the bottom of the steps. She walked down them and grabbed Radley's hand. Their fingers linked and she tugged him. "C'mon, they're nice people I promise."

Radley gulped and slowly followed Radlynn up the steps. He stopped, staring at Radlynn's mother and father in terror. Dahlia moved back away from him. It was odd, someone of his size and height being scared of two skinny humans. They stared at each other for a few moments before Dahlia broke the silence.

"You sly, no-good son of a BITCH!" She suddenly lunged herself at Radley. "WHAT DID YOU DO TO MY DAUGHTER?!" Radley stumbled back, mostly from surprise. He leaned against the brick wall dividing the house's steps from the neighboring one.

"Mom!" Radlynn wrapped her arms around her mother, restraining her.

"I-I didn't do anything I swear, Mrs Red!" Radley finally found his voice. He held his hands up, like he was surrendering.

"Radlynn what-" Rainer seemed to forget about his ex-wife's actions immediately. He looked from Radley to his daughter. "What did you do?" He asked.

She let go of Dahlia and scratched the back of her neck anxiously. "I...may have stayed behind in MunchMore so I could befriend Radley Madish." She said. Rainer stared at her and then sighed.

"...and you brought him home." He murmured. He looked over at Radley. "Radlynn I know I've let a lot of things slide but-" he looked from Radlynn to Radley, who shifted on his feet anxiously.

"I'm sorry." Radlynn murmured. "But he's harmless, I promise, Radley is a nice person, he's just...misguided."

Rainer looked at Radley for a moment before stepping towards him. He held out a hand. Radley stared at it like Rainer's hand was covered in spikes, then slowly held out his hand and shook it.

"It's nice to meet you, Mr Madish. Thank you for...returning, my daughter." He said softly.

"I-" Radley lowered his hand sheepishly. "It's nothing- it'd be cruel to not return her to her family-" he murmured, rubbing at his arm as he spoke.

"But you're the one who kidnapped her." Dahlia said, voice full of spite. "You're the one who took my daughter-"

"Dahlia," Rainer cut in, looking at his ex-wife. "I know you're angry, but...let him explain." He looked over at Radley. "If Radlynn trusts you..."

"I- the plan was never to...keep her," Radley spoke slowly. "I was going to let everyone free when I...y'know-  took over- but Radlynn just..." He looked at her. "Well she showed up at my front door and I couldn't exactly leave her I mean- I live in a cave for god's sakes- and it's pretty far from the nearest town, I didn't really have a choice in the matter."

"He looked after me." Radlynn cut in. "Gave me clothes, food, a bed-" She smiled a bit. "He taught me to cook."

"You can cook-?" Rainer frowned. He looked at Radley, who nodded and smiled a bit.

"She's not bad at it. She made some of the nicest sandwiches I've ever had." He said. Rainer looked surprised. He relaxed a bit, fiddling with his hands.

"Oh- I see." He looked at Radlynn. "So you're not...hurt?" He asked. She shook her head.

"Perfectly fine."

"Oh." Rainer dropped his hands and looked at Radley. He tilted his head at him. "Um- would you like to come in? I have coffee."

"He's a tea person." Radlynn objected. She glanced from her shocked looking mother to Radley. Though she couldn't see his face, she could tell he was surprised at the offer, but probably smiling.

"I have that too." Rainer said with a smile.

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