"I want you to get mad. Think of something that pisses you off so bad, that you just want to rip that things head off." He growls at me through clenched teeth. "Umm, okay?" I close my eyes and think about my mother leaving me to protect her own ass. "Did it work?" I ask and all three of them say no.

"I can't do it." I give up and look at them. "You have to try harder." Grant tells me. "You'll get it sooner or later." Jayden tells me and gives me a wink.

"Maybe if she is in a place she knows, like she feels comfortable with she will change." Dray suggests. "But I am comfortable here, this is where I practically grew up." I tell them. They don't understand. I am trying my hardest nothing is happening. I can't do it.

"Lets just try one more time." Grant pushes. I can't why can't he understand that? He's so thick headed. What the hell is wrong with him. I bet things just come easy to him don't they?


"Fine." I glare at him and close my eyes forgetting about them all. I get angry about how my mother left me about how she left me here to get buetered by the wolf hunter. Fuck! I can't do this!

I rip out finally feeling air and able to breath. Did it work? Am I a wolf now?

I open my eyes and look around, Grant is standing in front of me staring, he's staring at me. So I must have changed! Right?

"You actually did it." I hear Grant's voice in my head but he didn't move his lips. Whats going on?

"She can hear me too thats a good thing. Don't be alarmed Blake. Just relax, your in the middle of town you need to change back so no one sees you please." He begs. He actually begged me to change back. Why am I scary?

I could scare the crap out of a bunch of people! Ha! "No, Blake change back." Jayden says with demand. What? Why does he want me to change back, yeah the exposure but still. I like it in here, I feel free like I could do anything and not get hurt. "But thats the thing Blake. You can hurt you and people will try okay just change back. Relax and take a deep breath." He tells me and I do what he says.

I close my eyes once more and take a deep breath and I try not to get angry at my Mother for leaving me and it suddenly works. I'm back in my old body but I"m naked!!

I hold myself together. I hold my boobs that are free of my bra and my private area which I didn't plan on letting Jayden see!

"Wha-" I scream running into the house. I run upstairs and close the door beind me trying to catch my breath. Damn, I ran fast up here. It was like nothing to climb the stairs. Is that part of the whole werewolf thing?

I need to find clothes. I focus on finding some new clothes for the rest of the day. I find an old t shirt and some jeans along with a bra and some underwear that match. Don't want those falling off anymore. Why am I naked, I guess thats part of the wolf changing thing. Turn into a wolf you lose your clothes. Now to face the boy your are clearly crushing on that just saw you naked!

Great way to start a relationship, even if there was a relationship to start with. Hmm.

I finally get enough nerve to open my door and there he stands, hair slicked to one side his eyes dazzling. Ohh, he is so gorgeous. I just want to rip him-

"Don't finish that." He smiles at me. Shit! He can read my thoughts? I ask myself. "Yes I can." He giggles some more. Shit. Okay, just calm down.

"Whats up?" I ask him like he just didn't see me naked.

"I want to talk to you. Can I come in?" He asks looking in over my shoulder. I walkaway from him letting him in and I sit down on my bed. He takes a seat on the chair still by my bedside.

"I didn't really have a chance to ask you how your doing. I know that Christian didn't mean to change you and I just wanted to know how you felt about it." He asks me in a rushed voice. Wow, he cares how I feel.

"Of course I care Blake." He says answering my question. Shit, I really need to stop doing that.

"I don't know, I just feel like it wasn't his fault. Like my mother had something to do with it you know?" I ask him hoping he can understand that I don't hate his brother.

"Blake, I really like you I just don't want you to get hurt by me or my brother. He cares more about obeying Megan than anything. I'm not saying hes a bad guy but whatever he thinks Megan will eventually find out. You know?" I look him over and find no degrees in flaw. Hes so perfect.

"Well your brother said the same thing." I give him a wink playing with him but he only gives me a small smile not what I expected. "Hmm. We have been getting at each other since we were teenagers.Since Mother and Father set him up with Megan. It was a mess them two. Fighting everyday. She is quite the controlling bitch." He smiles and goes out of it for a couple seconds, thinking about something in the past possibly.

I watch him as he comes out of his trance of the past. His eyes dart to mine and he holds me there, his dreamy eyes swirl in different colors. "I just wanted you to know that you can talk to me about anything Blake." He tells me and touches my hand but then backs away. I felt it too. Shocks.

He gets up and I follow him to the door. "And I plan on seeing you naked more often." His words leave me breathless as he shuts the door.

Falling To PeicesTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang