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I felt strange and yet better than I had ever felt. I had finally found my family and I wasn't going to let anyone harm any of them even if it meant standing up against my mother. I feel it's my duty to protect them and maybe because it is. I admit I wouldn't be this strong if it wasn't for one special person, the one I was meant to be with and the one that I can't imagine living without. Everything went in slow motion now as the grey wolf came charging up to me I could see my tearful eyes in the reflection of the wolf's eyes. Displaying hurt but also determination......


Anyone reading my story, I just want to say thank you and I know that I haven't introduced myself formally or in any way at all and i'm sorry for doing that. Well anyway thank you for reading and I hope you enjoy it. If you don't then will you please get your ass out of here and stop reading. Just kidding if you don't like my story then will you please tell me what I should improve on and hopefully I can try and make it better for you.

Thanks again, 



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