Slang Dictionary

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So, in this story I'll be using a lot of military slang. Some of which you guys won't be aware of or may need meaning put to the words. I've made this part to include all of that slang for your reference and I will update this if I use any other slang that isn't included.


Flag flasher - someone who wears army uniform when off duty in civilian areas

After fives - shoes worn by soldiers after dinner to give their feet a rest from the heavy-duty boots

AJ - army jerk, derogatory term

APC - armoured personnel carrier or arms pits and crotch (shower taken in the bush with limited water)

Arse-end Arnold - person at the rear of the group

Back-ups - 2nds at meal time

Barbecue - After firing weapons at the range, or on exercise, the unit will spend as long as it takes to clean all the weapons.

Battle tranny - portable radio used by soldiers when out in the field for FM and AM channels

Bed wetter - someone who looks too young to be enlisted

Bedpan scrapper - medic

Bible - exotic/pornographic magazine

Beer issue - 2 beers allowed for a special occasion or in down time

Bird bath - using anything to replace showering when in the field eg baby wipes or a small basin of water

Bend over, here it comes again - said to someone who is about to be/is given an unpleasant task

Boned in - being told off for doing something wrong

Boots - suck up. So far up someone's ass all you can see is their boots

Brass - high ranking officer

Bug out - leave an area

Cake and arse party - poorly organised thing/event

Civvy - civilian

Clicks - a click is a kilometre or roughly 0.6 of a mile for anyone who doesn't work in kilometres

Cock holster - mouth

Common dog fuck - saying something is/should be easy

Cunt - friendly way of greeting your mate

Digger - name for a Private

Doc - medic

Dog and pony show - doing a display for civilians as a recruiting drive

EKO - early knock off

Gat - firearm

Holes in you t-shirt - to get shot

(Has anyone got a) Motorbike licence? - a ruse to get newbies to volunteer for stuff unknowingly

OP - Short for operation

Pineapple - A term used to describe an odious task or command, delivered by a Sergeant or above. Akin to having a pineapple jammed up one's arse.

Pit - bed

POETS Day - Friday, Piss Off Early Tomorrow's Saturday

Rooted - tired

SAL - Shit at life, the useless one in the group

Sargents mess - place where Sargents go to talk shit, avoid work and eat

Smoko - short coffee/smoke break

Snake - Sargent

Snake pit - Sargents mess

Son - derogatory term for a subordinate no one likes

Dad - derogatory term for a superior no one likes

Soldier's five - quick 5 minute introduction

Stabbed - given a task that you wouldn't have volunteered for

Motion thickness - erection caused by the vibration of the car

Wank booth - soldiers room on base

No man's land - Disputed ground between the front lines or trenches of two opposing armies. Basically the land in between the two sides in the war, that neither of them owns. One of the most dangerous places to be.

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