Epilogue: The Last

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I'm just... happy to be alive.


The sound of the door opening and closing resonated through the room, and without looking, I already knew that it was my doctor.

"Thank you so much for taking care of me while I was unconscious! I was so happy that I was alive-"

The wide smile that was plastered unto my face slowly turned into horror, staring at who my doctor was.

"Well, ain't that such a great news?"

"Well, ain't that such a great news?"

Ups! Gambar ini tidak mengikuti Pedoman Konten kami. Untuk melanjutkan publikasi, hapuslah gambar ini atau unggah gambar lain.

"No... this can't be..." I shakily said, feeling the tears start to well up in my eyes, blurring my vision.

"But, it is, Y/N," He smirked.

"I supposed it can't be helped, such a waste..." Chan said, pouting with a mischevious look in his eyes. Stepping aside, I saw Felix standing behind where he was originally standing, a pillow in his hands.

"Why are you...?" I said, vigorously shaking my head.

"I'm so sorry... he made me do it..." Felix apologized, his hands tightening on the pillow.

"Why don't you just... refuse him...? It doesn't need to end this way... Please..." I begged as tears started to flow down my cheeks.

"Run away...? You don't understand, if I don't do this, I may end up like him, abandoned in the garden, dead."


"I-I'm sorry..."

You might think you escaped the inevitable, but no.

They're coming.

You can't escape.

You can't run away from something worse that death himself.

They're coming for you.

"I'm sorry, Chan,"

Smirk dropping, he looked at Felix confused,"What-"



"Don't do this... please..." Seungmin begged from his lying position on the cold ground.

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