Woojin's Truth Unveiled: The Forgotten One

106 6 2

Chapter written on: October 29, 2019




"Woojin, where are you going?"

"Oh, I just wanted to see the sunset on the bridge, mom. Can I go?" Young Woojin politely asked, hand already on the doorknob.

His mother attempted to put on a stern face and say no, but ultimately failed when he looked at her son in the eyes. How can she say no when his round big eyes is staring at her with anticipation?

She sighed, crouching down to his height and ruffling his hair. Smiling,"Okay, but come back immediately, got it?"

"I will!" Young Woojin said as he exited the house, turning around once more the wave goodbye to his mother.

She felt a tingling feeling in her stomach, similar to wanting to vomit her previous meals, or maybe similar to being punched in the gut and something heavy on her shoulders. Something bad is going to happen, she can feel it. Her gut feeling is screaming in her head, begging and demanding her to shout and demand Woojin to go back to the safety of their house.

With a shaky breath, she mumbled to herself,"He'll be back,"


He didn't.

Woojin didn't come back that night, nor the next day.


Sounds of furniture and ornaments being thrown and shattering resonated within the house, other than that the sound of a couple having a heated argument is audible.

"What do you mean 'you allowed him'!? For god sake! What kind of a mother lets her son wander around at night alone!?" The distressed husband shouted at her cowering wife.

"I-it isn't even that dark around that time...! Plus-"

"Who cares if it's dark or not!? We live in a poor area! Any retarded person could come and take the children no matter what time of the day it is for who knows what!"

She remained quiet, there's no use of arguing when it's clear that she was the one at fault for their son's disappearance. Her hardworking husband was at work around that time, leaving her to supervise Woojin.

She was the one he trusted to keep their child safe, and she failed miserably.

Knock knock.

Just with that sound, a massive mist covered their entire community, doing who knows what to the people within the perimeter of the mist.

The couple looked at the door, wondering if who could be knocking at such time, or maybe it was their neighbor complaining about the ruckus their argument is causing.

The looked at each other and said,"Why are we arguing...?"

They opened the door to see a filthy Woojin, cuts, scratches and bruises littered across his body. Tears welling up in his eyes, he cried out, "Mom! Dad!"

The couple's eyes widen, Woojin felt a spark of relief seeing their shocked expression, but his heart sank when they chuckled.

"You must be lost, little boy... We have no child..."

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